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(9w) . Verily,. I do-unwillingly encounter with other mens learne.l judgements,. and I would refrain the very namingof them, but that, as Lam perfwaded, necef{icy doth otherwi'e inforce. But I hope that good and reafonable men,and lovers of the truth, will not take it amif:le, tohave thofe things removed out of the way, which do hinder the right underftanding of things, when as them= felves alto have taken' all praifeworthy labours, to finde our the truth, and have' freely taken away all whatfoever they knew did hinder the fame. Thereis a two-fold time here laid down, certainrand limited, but neither of themdo .at. all belong to Ahoicchut : For in that, the firft hereof;. in this verte, of i 290. dayes, is referred ro that time, wherein.Atiachur Eupator,.the forme ofEpiphanes, did by his Let- ters patents, or Charter, permit and confirm to the ?ewes, .rhe'wor- fhip reflored by 7udu .Macceibcaas, from the time of the defoliation, made by his Father Antiochur;,The calculation or accompt dothnot agree :For the taue time of thedefolation,as we have flamed before if.verfe 7.:,was. fait three whole yeers to a nail, or ten dayes more at the uttermoft. To the decree, made by Antiochua the fonne, the fifteenth day of the moneth Xanticeu, a ,Alacc. i 1. 33. (which moneth anfwereth to 1Vifan of the.Hebrews, as ?ofcphus in h's Antig. lib.3. cap. 1 o) there are added other 10.8. dayes more : for fo many fall out berw en the 25. of Chifea, and the 1.5, ofXanticus. The fumrue of all thefe, is only 1213. dayes ,. which want of the number let down by the Ange1,7.7. dayes. But if any will believe fofephies his Fable,whereofwe have fpoken in the feventh verte,, who doth adde'of his own fix morieths, to the time of thedefolation ; which whole fpace of' three yeeres and fix moneths cloth afford 1272. dayes, yet, notwithflanding eighteen . layes are wanting to this fttmme. But ifwe joyn lo$. dayes to three threeyeers and fix moneths, the fpace to the d&ree of Antioch#! the Sonne, then there will be yo.dayes over, and too many fo will this (pace and time no way agree with it felt; not to repeat- other mat- ters,whereby we have before evinced futfciently,that the Angel bath nothing.todowith flntiochru from the 36. verte ofthe formerChap. Calvix,ofhappy memory, did well-fee,that this could not be un- derftoodofthe prophaning ofthe Temple, which was done by Av.. doclrra, therefore doth:apply it unto the Romans, but will have the number ofthe dayesto:be. taken Allegorically, as if-.the Angel had faid,