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(960) faid, to this erect, although the time ofaffl eriotn may feeme very long,even to r 29o.dayes,yet we mull not defpair,nor be eut of heart, offuch a great number, but alwayes to call tominde, although affli- &ion remain a time, and times, yet there will follow afterward, but half &time. But for that, the Angel would have ufed force ufuall and ordinary number, it falletliout oftentimes, that feven, or ten,or an hundred, or a thoufand,or force fuch round,and common number, is put for an indefinite; but no man will ufe unaccuftomed particu- lars incommon fpeech,except he intended tome juft and certain fum. Befides that what myfterie hath fuch fentence in it?What needeth that tobe fealed or Phut from Daniel, or any other which is thecom- mon .Doctrineofall times? It is well known to all the Saints, that the very longeft affliftion (hall come to an end at length : neither couldDaniel be ignorant thereof,if the former distribution hadmeant any fuch thing ; wherefore wee fiuft not tell in any common do- ctrine,but wemust finde outfomethingproper and peculiar to times, and places, without which it is no Prophecie. Thereare many other interpretations,but not ofany moment,and authority, as to hinder the truth at all, and therefore I will let them paffe. Now then to difcover, and declare the matter,' according to the meafureofgrace given unto us, in thefewords, the Angel teacheth two things : First, the very decree and fet time, from whence we are to begin to number and account; afterwards the continuance thereof. That is fet out by a double note or marke ; One is of ta- king away ofdaily facrifice, the other is offelting up of the abomi- nable defolation. There is mention made in`Daniel divers times, of taking away of the daily facrifice, Chap. 8..11. and9, z7. and r I.3 r. Now iris out of all controverfie, that all thefe places do belong tinto two times only, and to two nten4by whom it íhould be taken away : Antiochui and (brig, whether of thefe doththe Angel fpeake of? wee have (hewed before, both by thenumber of the dayes, and by other ar- guments alfo, that it cannot be referred to Antiochus. Chrifl therefore is tobe underffood; whoby his death hash abo- lifhed the ceremonïall Law of facrifreing which is. alfo'madeplain by the manner of fpeaking, where Antiochus is fpoken of there is alwayes added ,forne fignification ofwickedneffe, of putting down the truth,of fuppreftingand contempt of holineffe, or of forne fuch like, for becaufe he by violating the dailyfaerifice,. did abolifhand take