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(961) take away the Law ; but when Chrift is fpoken of, it is only laid abfohitelp, .He fha11 make the facrifice to ceafe, or take away, as in this place, becaufe he did abolifh ir, not by violating and breaking it,but by fulfilling it. Mull we then begin tonumber from his death not fo, but the other part of the let time is to be added, And to let -up the abominable defolation It is hard, and hidden indeed, what timejthefe words do mean yet wee mull labour to fi(li and finde it our, by comparing it with other places. It would be tedious to repeat all other mens judgements. I will content my felf,with the bringing forth mine own;twhich I leave and commend to the godly and learned, as alto, all things elfe of mine, to be weighed and examined. Shielats, doth fìgnifie Abomination, and execration, or curling; but ir is attributed to divers things, acs cordingto the differing refpe'c, andhate of the time - which Homo- nymie, that is, when divers things are fignified by one and the fame word, hath, peradventure, deceived force. . Before Chrift,it was a very abominable and accurfed thing,totake away the legal! ceremonies which God himfelfdid inflirute,and de- liver to the! athers, to be religicufly obfervcd; whence Antioch/44 is faid to let up the defolating abomination, Chap. 11.31. After Chrift, who brought an encko the légall worfhip, by fulfilling the truth of all shadows in himfel£ It was no lefle odious and hatefull;to obtrudè and thruff upon God an old worfltip,antiquate:d, and abolifhed. Whereunto E,ay feemeth to have reference,fpeaking in the name of the Lord, fh that killeth a bullock, is as if he hied(lain a man, hee that facrificetha Jheep, as r`fhoe coat off a doer neck_;, bee that offereth an oblation, as if hee offered fWinesblood, he that brsrnethincenfe; s,ifbee bleftan.fdo!!; yea, they have chofen their oWn Wayes, and their foule deltphteth in their abomi- nations, Chap-.66.3,4. God indeed, doth worthily deréfl heathenifh fupetflition; but for men brought up in underflanding of divine things, tohate andperfecute the truth, and to difiemble and fe grpe holineffe and piety, with an adulterate and counterfeit worfhip, as the ?elwifh nationdoth lince they tejeaed Chrift,is a moll loathlome abomination before God. May not that allo be the meaning ofthat before, in Chap. 9.27. Where after the facrifice abrogated by Chrift, there followeth defolation upon the wing of abominations ? Let us fee briefly, if you pleafe, as alto to bring force light and evidence, happily, to a place very difficult and intricate r.The words are thus ; And