í 96z ) And he fhall.confirme the covenant with many for one week, and t the midst of the week, hefhall ceafe the facriñce and oblation to ceafe, and upon the wing ofabominations that maketh defolate, and until! the confummation, and that determined, he [hall poure upon the defolate, (hap. 9.27. Having [hewed in tile beginning of the former verfe,the ?etkv hor- rible wickedncffe, in putting theMefah to death ; hee declareth afterward, what puniihments thofe that are guilty ollo great wic- kedneffe ( houldundergo. There, faith he, are two; The firft is the deftrtxetion oftheCity, and Sanc`tnary, which he defcribeth in the reft of the verfe, and hee doth free them from a doubt in the beginningofthe next verfe. For it might be demanded, what should become of Gods worship, the facred and holy places being demolifhed and cafi down. The An- gel loth prevent it,and fheweth, both that Chrift himfelf, whilaft he lived, should make a newCovenant and confirm it unto many, and alfo, by his death, should at length put an end unto all legal! cere- monies, that there fhould be no need after that, either of theCity germ:alem, or ofthe Temple to worfhip God. The fecond punifhment is, of the people, which he diftinguifheth by a double condition : Firft, of the Nation, in fome fort, as yet ftandingand intire; then fecondly, broken altogether, and troden under foot. The two words,Mej amin and Shomem,defolating,and defolated, or making, and made defolate, do lignifie this difference to us, for that is aètive offome force, yet to their own deftru&ion, but this is paffive, andof no ftrength, borne only to Puffer violence of it rangers. But thou wilt fay, There is no word, or mention of any punish- ment appointed for either. True indeed,for theAngel thoughtit bet- ter, to leave it to be thought of, then to exp relie it. For when hee had recorded before, the death of the Meflìas, What punifhment could have bean fpokenof,worthy of filch a fin,andvillaniè ? Where- fare,as unable to let out the greatneffe thereof, hee rather figniheth, the grievoufneffe and heynoufneffe of it, by an ecclypfis, or defect of fpeech,thcn by anopen and plain term. But as concerning the affaires of the nation yet ftanding for a time, as intire,the fearful! revenging hand ofGod,fet upon the wing oFabomtnaticns, that maketh defolate. Which then, and what man- ner ofwing is this ? nrcnr is a military word,frgnifying fome troope, or band of fouldiers, filch as was the wing of the let ìjL rebels,when they