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(963) they took up arms againft the Romans : for the Angel doth point at this very time, when he faith, not fimply,that God will revenge and punith the abominationof the Iewes, then being common to all that time, lince they had rejefted Chrift, and obftinately retained their abolifhedceremonies ; but on the gang her faith, when rebellion Thall be added unto abomination, and the people {hall be muttered and ranked into*ings,bands, and troops : as 7ofephusde bello Iudaico, lib.45.reporteth it was done, when the zealous (for fo the confpira- tors called themfelves,) whole Captains were Eleazar and Iohx, having gathered together a company of defperate men, did betake themfelves into the Temple, whichthey made the tower and refage, both of the civil! inteftine, as altoof the forraine war. Thefe troops ofthieves and robbers, although all the people con- fpiring together, wereof the fame rank, was certainly this Wing of abominations, wholly compa&ofmoft defperate, cruell,and wicked men, ofwhom the very Çdomites were athamed, who being called for their aid, after they faw the barbaroufnefl'eof their fellowes and companions, did forfake them prefently, and conveyed themfelves home againe. This was the Wag, making defolate, with its audacious impu- dencie andwickedneffe, and brought ruine upon their own heads, and upon their whole Countrey and Lawes. Many things make for this expofition. Fir{t, becaufe deftruFtion came upon this Wing after Chrift was cut off, for that isgnalcaxaaph, as it did fall our, and happen, to the kitesproperly, not to the Romans. Then again, chafe things which Chritt addeth for explication fake,Matth.z.. 15. This riving fhould 'Rand in the holy place, even as thefe robbers in the Temple, which they poffeffed immediately after they had begun their confpiracie, andheld it to their fait univerfall {laughter. Tor, although the whole land of ?Idea was the holy place, in re- fpeft ofother countries, yet Chri{t fpake to his Difciples, who by that kinde of fpeeeh, did underftand the Temple, as they were ac- cuftomed commonly. Which yet is more plain and evident, by Marks 3. 14. who faith, this abomination fhould be let, where it ought not, which cannot agree to the 1 Prnans. For Chrift had now already approved of their rule over the Iev'es, and had com- manded them to give to Cafar thofe things that were Ccfars. Then was it lawfüll for them to .inforce thofe mutinous cotifpirators to their duties, what fhould hinder them from befieging the City,vpon X kkkkk juft