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(:9 64 ) tuft occafion ? when as they made no war against them willingly, but drawne thereto:againft their wills, and iuiurioufly provoked. Lafl ofall, propoundeth this wing of abominations, ¡landing in the holy place, as a figne to flye out of Iudea,which any might do in convenient time, whilft thele rebels poffefled theTemple , a yeer or two, before the Romane army came thither, and there was then very good caufe to flee, when they could expect no harder meafure from a conquering enemie,. then the citizens fuffered of their do- meRicall rnurderers,.but after the city was befieged, it was too late to think of an cfcape by flight. But Luke:, Chap. z1. zo. maketh mention of an armie befieging leas alem, I confeilc it, but yet not- withitanding,there is no leffe differencebetween this armie,and that wing, then betweene the Romanes and the Iewes, things which differ in the wholefutleas. T.hererore,there is nota word of abomination, where there is any mention. of this army. Theone might be well fit tokenof the other; forne part of the time ofboth exiRing together, which vicinitie, and neernéfle,happily, occafioned the expofitours to confound the things themfelves, but they are altogether divers in the Nation, Countrey, and people, to wit,,the armie of the Ronsanes , and the abominable wring ofthe IeWes. . The exhortation which followeth after,to flight,we have feen out of AIatthecv,from what fountain it properly fioweth.. All thin s thereforeduly weighed, it feenieth to me moreprobable, and fir, to expoundit of the IeWes, then of forrain legions.` The otherpart of puniannent. is upon.the nation tr,oden under- foot, fuck as it fhotild b,e:fronithat war, never able to raite up it felf again, He (hall pourer (faith.he) upon the defolatc, even to the con- fiimmation, and that determined, which words do fhew,:that it that! 'beoverwhelinedwith continuali miferis, brought almcft un- .to nothing, as we know it was yet it flould have this comfort, that there is a time determined , and limited to these calamities, for fo meanes the weird,,Nechorétrab.,' Hencetherefore, we fee a, twofold dèfolation of the place, ofthe people ofirfthm, and.ofthe whole Nation:: Thetwo.former did fall into the.fame time The third indeed, from that original), doth yet endure' rhröugh many generations. But the Defolationof abomination, is a diff, ring thing from ail thefe, a full abolifhingofthe Ceremonial] worfnip, afwell in refp'ei o,# ufc, ass right, which, the appointed daies. will not have begun at the