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( 965 ) thedeftruttion of lerufalem : Thereforewe mull feek yet further, Nevertheleffe, feeing it is now manifeft what is abomination : the other word Shomem, remaineth to be examined, which Expofitours doe render diverfly, Calvin making aftonied, Tremelius making defolate. But for the moll part,it doth alwaies lignifie paflively in this active forme, when it noteth at`,ïion, it is moftly ufed in piel : which diffe- rence Daniel doth diligently obferve : for (peaking of_Antiochm , which made defolation,by letting ofabomination, he noteth him by abomination, that maketh defolate, Me. homem: Chap. t t. 31. And again the fame forme ofthe word, iheweth the Authors of the cala- mitie to come upon them, upon the wing of abominations, Melba - mim, making defolate, as in the place lately expounded, Chap.9.27. but where he fpeakes ofthe people fuffering defolation, he ufeth the word Shomim,as there, he thall pow reupon the defolate. In which place, both words are ufed, MeJhomen., and Shomcm, as the figure eAntanaclafis , dothmake the difference more apparent. Once I finde it to lignifie aftively, as before, in Chap. 8. 13. but out;Qf the more frequent tile of the word,we render it pallively,to fct up abomination, made defolate. This is the funs and effea of the whole fentence, and from the time ofthe daily facrifice taken away by the death ofChri t; And of fet- ting up abomination, made defolate, that is to fay, of abolifhing ut- terly that impious manneroffacrificing ; for Gold' had determined, that the abrog,ted.:de of the cerenaoniallworfhip, fhould at length be utterly rooted out, fo as the lealt trace thereof fhould not remain. Wherefore, when as the let time doth confift of two partis the abrogation of lawfull, worfhip , and the rooting out ofadul- terers. For the firft, it is agreed upon among'(£ all, into what time it fell our, neither can the fecond be obfcure, and hidde n, if we diligently perufe the hiftorie. We_ know, fromChrift railed up from the dead, unto the times of Vefpaf:an, this abomination did ftand in the holy place: holy, both ;by the firft inftitution,and altoby the eftirnation of the common people, without any interpretation. But he having furprized Ierufàlem, did burne the Temple and de- face that place, where alone it was lawful to facrifice. Who.weuld not now have thoughtthe abomination to bee made defolate ? but foon after, it Chewed it fell again a, little , until' Adrian'wafted the 'lewes with a new flaugliter,and took from them all hope of recoye -- .Trkkk.kk 2 ring