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(966 ) ring-the holy rubbilli:decayed ; For which caufe they had railed a (harp warre. Did: thee the hatred lye buried from this time ? after a few yeer it made new broiles again : for wicked Julian having gotten the go- vernment, was the author, and furtherer of the reftoring the abomi- nation,not onely giving them liberty to repair andbuild the Temple, but alto by commanding the charges to be fupplied out ofthe_pub- like revenews of the commonwealch,Secr. lib. 3 20, Neither went they negligently about the bufinefle when they had this liberty.: The levees did diligently follow their op- portunity. All things were in a readineffe towards the building: but Goddid fuddnly befoul andmake void all:their labour, and impious ende- yours. An exceedinggreat earthquakedid (hake, and utterly over- throw the old foundations which were yet remaining; or as Tljcodo- ret reporteth,themfelves cart it down with their own hands,thinking to build it new from the loweft foundations,lib.32o. Then fire fallingdownfrom heaven ,did burn up all their working tooles, and inftruments, fo as, will they, nil l they, they were con- ftrained to defift,and leave off their enterprife, and to go homeeve- ry one into thofe countries, whence theyhad run together out of every place on all fides. Çyrill ofIerufaleasa maketh mention of this Prophecy of Daniel when the Iewes did firft let upon the workerwhich Chrift bath alfni laid down in the Gofpels, & fpake it untomany in private,rhatnow' was the time come, that a (tone fhould not be left upon a ftone in the temple; but that laying ofour Saviour fhould be fulfilled.Neither was his,predi$ion vain : Theearthquake, the very next night, con- firmed the very truth thereof. Now; thatI may conclude with the wordsof Seeratea :, So there ffrre - ore/nog! the Temple utterly.overthrovvne,in!leadofthenet building ;' vwhienvvae prepared.- P,urnow, that we have leen many,, and di= vers overthrowes,which ofthemmall we make the beginning ofthe account?Afliaedly the laft : for a thing is ,ot-faid tobe utterly waft, and defolate, before it be fo ca(t down; as it rifeth up no more. As loth a little after reviveagain; It hath a being after a fort, though very .troublefome. When after Iuliitn, therefore nothing was attempted, let us acknowledge from, that time the abomination utterly made defolate. Now.,thmwe have t(efettime ofthe beginning.cereain, the Taft open