(967 3' , open overthrow ofall the legali worship; which came topaïe in the dayes of I elian, about the yeer 360; For Onuphriat Both c. ft the fiat ofContantine into theyeer 3o4.whereunto if we ad-de ;a.yeers ofhis reign, and then 24. ofhis Son Contttantinzas, and láí1= of all,cne, and certain moneths ofIulia:a, we shall finde the Apoftare to have reigned precifely at the laid time. Let this be fpoken ofthe Epach, or jttft time of beginning of the account ; the (pace of time fol- lowech,whichcannot be concluded in the number offo,many natural! dayes. No filch thing, as is here foretold, did fall out about that time. And the Prophet ufeth, when naturall dayes are underftood,toadde, and put to their termes, whereby to know them,<.as unto evening, morning, 23co, dayes, Chap. 8. 14. which bounds being here wan- ting, we are not to thinke of any other daies, then before of the weekes,whereof every one did lignifie a week ofveers : after which1 account, every day midi be taken for a yeer. Neither fo alfo,but alfo the Julian yeers, ofwhich fort were thole feventy ofweeks ; where- of ifweput 1 zgo yeers to the times ofIulian the Apoftate, the fore- appointed time will end, and be out at the yeer 165,o. e:eac`tly,when a time, times, and a halfe time (hall bee ended, as before , verf. 7. Then (hall Euphrates be dried up, that the way of the Kings, of the Eaft may be prepared, eflpoc.16.1 a. Then the tydings out of the Eaft (hall trouble the King of the North, as before, chap. a I. 4.4. Then the Bride, which had been banished from the marriage bed, f6 many ages and generations, (hall at length here return, Return O Shulamite, as we have (hewed upon Canti. 6. 1 3. 1 hens finally, ihail that voice ring out Hallelujah, for themarriage ofthe b and his wife, Apoca. 29. 4.7; for thefe things do belong to the f metime, and thefe are the things which (hall prefently follow the del ru ion ofRme,whofe Taft deffinie,orruine,is now at hand,as we ha a made pfaineand evident in the Revelation, Verf. 12. Bleffsáishe that Waiteth and cometh. ] So is the filft bound and limit, which being known, the fecond cannot be hardy nor hidden, for-this of 1.335.dayes, dothadde and put to the former cps. yeers, and doth end atthe yeer 1695. The former number did end at the firft reeling and declining power of the Turks, this fecond, at the defacing, and utter aboli(hing of the fame': That was perfeétly finifhed, together with time, times, and half. ,This ?hall end; together with that fpace ofanboure, anda day, and a rmu etb, and ayeere. Apoc. 9. a5. The tydings before .did trouble him