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(966) him from the Eaff, but now his trniverfall flaughter (hall be in the Land of Tt4y, or Iudea, and before this laff limit, is that ample and large promife p refixed : lcfed are they that wait, and docome unto it. And then, indeed, (hall all the Saints be bleffed, who fhall have a glorious refurredfion, and be railed out of the duff of deifruftion; and every oneof them, (Inning like the firmament, and ffarres : for this is the time and limit ofthat refurredfion, of which before, ver.a. I. and Apoc.26. a a. what thall be wanting to the chiefeft felicity on earth, when the Saints (hall fee new Ierufilent commingdown from Heaven, themfelves inrolled citizens thereof, dogs excluded, and whatfoever is unclean, hunger and thirfl to be farre off, all enemies rooted our, and all teares takerr away for ever? When I fay, there Alai( be all thefe'things, and infinitely many o- ther, which the Prophets do profecute, with admirablepleafantneffe of words. Can it be doubted any longer, but then Ihall be indeed thatgolden age, and higheff top of holy felicity, and happinefre, which mortall men may expea, yea, or thinkof, in this earthlyand bale habitation. And this word alone doth raife up our minds, rather to hope for thofe things, which the Prophets have fo folemnly fpoken of this matter, then to interpret, and expound them, as already paff, find fulfilled longago. For if we look back to the death of Antiochua Epiphanés, we have {hewed already, that the fpace and number of daycs, is altogether unlike, and far dif'cant. The decree, or Edict of Antiochus his Sonne, wherein he granted the Jews their own Religion,freely,donot reach to the jai account, as we have (hewed inverle i r. Now, ifwe (hail calf the death of .Antiochur the Father unto the 45. day from that decree, the fame difference, of neceffity, will yet remaine : but yet, fay I, to grant the account, and calculation to be very juff, what felicity did follow the death of Antiochtu, that the Church might fo greatly rejoyce therein? except, peradventure, we {hall thinke the holy people to be in very great profperity, whilé they weréoppreffed with wars under Eupator, r Maccab. 6.28. í9. or that they could triumph greatly, when Demetritu was deviling a (harp, and bitter perfecution againif them by Bachides, - llcimua, and Nicanor, i Macceb.7. 9. 26. efpecially, in his fecond expediti- on, NN hen therecame fo great trouble, and affliction in Ifrael, upon the Jcwes, as like was not fince the time, that no Prophet was feene antongit them, r Mac. z. 9. 27, - There