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(97 13) done, and reeking the fparklr,I fhouid at anytime let fall any Viru- lent, or venemous ftroake upon any mans goodname,or credit : and, I hope, my Godly brethren will likewife take in good part, this rude and difordered worke, whatfoever it is, looking rather to that which is well and profitably fpoken, to imbrace it with thankful) minds, then contemning that whichis good, foranyother dcfe&, or unskilfülneffe. Verf. 13. But gather.' tly Way till the end be.] Hithertoo was the ,commoncomfort; that which is proper to`Daniel, is inthis Taft verf; The meaningwhereof is this, as if he fhould fay : But thou `Daniel go thy way, and reft content, that all thefe things lhall.come to paffe towards or before the end, and although they feeme tobe long de- layed, yet the tedioufneffe thereof(hall not be grievous unto thee : for thou in the meane time (halt yecld to nature, and go the way of all flefh, and being freed from the miferies of this life, (halt quiets reft, and be partaker of that happineffe,which thofe do enjoy which dye in the Lord, and at length allo, (hall thy body be railed up out of the grave, in that lot and condition, which God (hall give unte thee, that thoumayeff be partaker of unfpeakable joy, with all the reft of the Sáints,and fo raigne withChrift for ever. This meditation ought to put away all trouble from the Prophet, and tobeget in us, that moderation and fteadfaftneffe ofmind although we betranfported with an eager delire of this approa- ching felicity : yet notwithftanding,if it be theLords will fo to have it, wemay willingly depart and lay down our earthly Tabernacles. It is a molt pleafantthing indeed, to fee andbehold Chrift reign- ing upon earth, but there is no caufe at all, why the holy foules dhould envie this pleafureand happineffe, to their grethen left here 'below. Let us therefore reft with quiet minds,inthe rnitift ofthe tempefts and dangers ofthis World, expectingnow fhortly, either in life or in death, that which i with all votes, and fervent prayers, much to be defired; COME LORD IESVS. IN IS,