Brightman - BS2823 B85 1644

The Epilile 1h11 Chines brightly, for what elfe is his 'Apoc yps ofthe picalyps, but a Light /pining in .darkeplaces? forPurely fomyf}erious is that parcel! of Scrip- ture, that it is not tobe interpreted by wit, but by the Spirit of Divination. But our Bright- man hath made fuch plaine interpretation there- of, that thournayefi eafilybehold the great 4y- fiery of Iniquity of the Beall: of Iome, as aWo Gods great mercy in calling the Jewes. And al- though many learned men have (to their glory) fpent their whole time in the interpreting this part of Scripture; yet this our Author hath irr- terpreted this and other molt difficult places; witneffe theSongofSolomon, and the latter part of theProphecie ofDaniel. Concerning theSong ofSolomon, the Law of the Jewes is very well knowne, by which young men under theage of thirty (before which time they did notenter into the Pricfl:-h.ood) were interdi&ed to reade it, lef} thole things which were myflically let forth, fhould by the fwaying of their pafsions, be enterpreted in the worí} fenfe. But our Brightman amongf . others that have d.eferved well in this alfo;, expreffes every word fpiri- tually, whereby thou mayeft receive Divineand heavenly pleafures. All things are expounded with great labour, and applyed with great Judge-