to the Zeader. Judgement; infomuch, that in this new path, you may walk in the foote-ífeps of the Spoufe, Jefu Chriff : or as the Jewes call it, enter the Sanctum Sant-forum. The manner of his handling this Scripture, efpecially in theapplication, is univerfall; for he -held this prophecie to be wonderfully difficult, whence it is no marvell, if fome doubt whether he did attain to the genuine interpretation of the Song: but fnce thedifhultyof the Allegory hath occafioned fuch variance amongff the Interpre- ters,that it may almoffberaid ; as manymen, fo manyminder: I hope it will not be diffaffefull to theChurch ofChriff, that the labours of this her godly fonne are publifhed inPrint, whereby the Reader may perceive the Authors great know- ledge in this myfferie : hee doth acknowledge a marriage beween Chriff and his Church ; but in this he differs from the ref} of the Interpreters, that what they conclude to be always,he reffrains to certain times. I confeffe,he that forfakes thean- cient opinions oflearned and godly men:,and pro- pounds tohimfelf a new way, in which hewal- keth all alone, may (in good manners) be thought to erre; but becaufe fometimes he thac=readeth underffandeth that, which the Prophets them- felves whichProphefied it didnot know,and be-. cau fe