C Ar;. I. f nce 1(,ing Davids time. 981 the time of David to thedeathof Chrift,in the3. frfit chapters, and to the 6.verfe ofthe 4. chapter. alfa, as it is Evangelicall unto the fecond 4omming of Chrift to the endof the book. The Legali Church as get forthin a diversfortune,Which for plainneffe fake, We divide into 3 times. Firft What it fhould be till the Captivitie, in the Whole Kt Chapter, and the 2. firft verfes of the fecornt Secondly, What in the Captivity it (elf, to the 15. verfe ofthefame Chapter. And lafIly, What it fhould be afterward to its Taft abrogationor dif falving, Which reacbeth to the 6. erfe ofthe 4. chapter. Before the Captivitie, beginning at his Father David, he fheWeth What condition that enjoyed under him, verte I. 2. afterwards under himfelfe, vert. 3. And from thence What it fhould be under his fanne Rehoboam, to the 9. verte under Abri ja and Afa, vert; 9, i o, r I. under Iehofaphat, verf. 12. under Iehoram, Ahazia, Ioafh, Amaziah, Huzijah, Iotham, and Ahaz, verte 13. under Heze- chia,verfe 14. under Manaffes and Iofias,verfe t 5, and i6. THE EXT?.OSIT:ION. Verf. a. Let him kiffe me With the k fifes of his mouth, for thy love is better then Wine, THis Prophefie following agreeth well neere in all things with that ofSaint Iohn in the Revelation. They fore-fhew the fame events in the like times. And either of them direðhis courfe to the fame marke.. They differ fo much in beginnings as Salomon ex- ceeded 7ohn in age. They alto follow fomewhat, a divers manner of handling it. john fetteth forth :the:ftrifes and battells of the Church more at large, andexaf ly painteth out her enemies with a greater caution or heed taking. But this Propheticall Paranymph (or marriage maker) toucheth thefe things more fparingly, defirous only to fetforth the joyful! events of the Church, he fcarcely men- tioneth at all any accidents, whereby this nuptial! Fong might be difturbed : or at leaft fo feafoning her troubles,that much pleafure may alwayes appeare in them. But firft let us weigh the words, then let us fee the Application: Kifles are fometimes taken for faire, made, and pleafant words, as chidings and brawlings are compared to wounds, as Salemon faith, Prov. 27. 6. The Wounds ofa lover are more fzithfnll then thefiatte ring kiffes ofan enemie. The Church then defireth to be inftrufted Bbbbbbb z -7