Brightman - BS2823 B85 1644

CAP. 982 TheSlate of the Church, ì, with the words ofher Bridegroome, which fine calleth Kiffesras the moft aflùred pledges of the Bridegroomes love ; neither can any thing becompared with this love; therefore the preferreth it k- fore wine, which is chiefely efteemed among thofe things which tafte molt pleafantly : for the comparifons of . this fong are taken from fuch things which dochiefely tickle up the fences r. becaufe our infirmity'is fuch,that we, commonly feele no greater pleafurc in this life, then in thofe things which pertaine to thefe inferior fences. This is the fum : thecompany of the faithfull doe chiefely delire for be altogether over-whelmed in a moft familiar converfation with Chrift, and to be moft plentifully inftruc`ted with the words of his . mouth which they confirme tobe the greater pleafure that can be Now for the.Application. Solomon beginneth from the Church of his time, and fbeweth the face of it as it was in the Raigne of his Tather David,in this and the nextverfe.Chrift then_bythemoutlb of David (bearing his Type) kiffed the lhurch, inftruiing it withmoft fwcete Odes, Pfalrisesand-Songs, wherein that time was moft excellent above all others. David is called the fweete finger of Ifrael by the Teftimony of the Spirit, 2 Sam. 23. t. Whereof the booke of ?falmes is a plentifüll witneffe. Solomon alfo compo- fed oo5. Tongs, but very fewofthem are recorded in the Sacred Treafury. The Prophets, which were many then , and at other times , did' chide veryoften;. but not kiffe : They reproved fins , they thundred outJudgements,they terrified with threatnings : whereas this fweet finger of Ifrael , powred out almoft nothing but prayers , thankf givings., promifes and Exhortations : worthily were thefe the times of killing and imbracing : chiefly, if ye adde all that care and diligence, which hee applied to ordaine the worfhip of God -molt fitly, j. Chro. 2 3. d-c. With thefe kiffes, which even burned with love of the divineword and of all pietie , the people had then no leffe defire to beimbraced (dryer at any time. ) David vejoyeed, when theyPaid untohim , Let us go into the'houfe of the Lord; AndPeeing the readineife of the people, preferring the wor- lnipof Godbefore all Wine, Pfal. t 22. t. The King himfelf like- wife in the fweetnefle of finging (a figure of theBridegroom,)with diligence and defireof Religion, (one of the company of the faitf- full) did not he defire one thingof the Lord, that hemight dvvell in thehvufe of the Lordall the dayes of his lïfe ? Pfd. 27. 4, Hemani- feftly-confirmeth the Law of the mouth of God, to be betteer to him,