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C.AP.lI . ffnce Kin .Dávi s= i K 983 him , then many thoufands of Gold and fi{ver..-Ana his judgements to beTweet er thenhony to his mouth, Pfal.' i i9 7i 103. Verf. 2. Becasfe of thefayour of thy goodointrncnts,thyname is as an oyntment pouredout, Thereforethe'virginslove thee. Here,with anelegant Petiphralis,isÌ fet forth the.cbnfieetationof the name ofthe Bridegroom,from the effeets:whofe force is weakted by the fimilitude : For the fence is, .Thy name u an oyntment pouredout, very Well anfWerisg to thefinell of,thyoyntments. Oyntments fìgnifie the gifts of the fpirit : and the fmell of thefe gifts,is that fruit and fweerneffe, which is received by the Communication of them. -Now whereas the Church publifheth the oyntments of the Bridegroome, it properly pertaineth unto Chriff, which is a moff replenifhed treafury ofthe infinitneffe ofall graces. Yet it is not tobe doubted, but here together withChrift,Lavidhis type may alfo be beholden, who being replenihedwith great abundance of moll divine graces, breathed out their fweetneffe to Gods people which he governed. He was. a man after Gods,own hear<, by whole example the Kings following; are commended. He was ordained to be the an nointedof the Godof Iacob, 2. Sàm. 23. i. God`-annointing. himWith his holy oyl, Pfal. 89, 21. Neither was it without cattle, that he was three times anointed. Firff privatly by Samuel, fecondly by his own Tribe, thirdly by all'Ifrael whereas the other Kings were only anoynted but ónce. Whencethatname is worthilygiven him, Pfd. 2. 2. The Kings ofthe earth ffandup, and the rulers tale! Caten- fell together, again the Lord, and againff his anointed. Wherefore, rn thefe words Solomon declsreth the happineffe of thofe times, which hada King fo well furnithed .vith all the giftsof the fpirit. Thevirgins are the citizens of the Church, that people of God, which obeyed his government,who therfore lobed his'ving exceed- ingly, becaufe they faw him anoynted of God, and enriched with fuch notable and excellentgifts.The love of the virgins firfl ihe;ved is felf, when Saul perfecated Davia,:Secondly in'his 'two yeers wars with Ifhbofheth, and thirdly in Abfolens confpiracie, when the true citizens div nely fmelling the Odour of the'annointed King,could not be terrified by any dangers,from cleaving to himwith firme mindes. So fhort,but lively, is the image of the Church in Davids raigne. Notable in kiffes : In the figurative MN/2,u : In the peoples defire of thofe kiffes, and the love of thevirgins in the true Subjefts , a moft happy Kingdom wherein thefe four reigned. Verf.3. DraWme,We *ill ranafter thee,The King bath brow/It me into