984 Theftate of the CJurclz into his Chambers : We Will rcioyce and be glad in thee : We Will re- ntember thy love-more then Wine : the righteous do love thee. In this one little verfe, Solomon intreateth of the Church during his raigne, whole whole condition is divided into fixe members. Fitft,the.King drawing by his example,and the fpirit working to- gether in the faithful]. The firfl authority of his raigne began with the publifhed meeting at Gi6con, z. Claro. i. z. Of whatforce was this attra 5 ion ? There followed r,nofl calme peace , fuch.abundance of wealth as no where the like : wifedome aimoff more then mor- tall. Glory which amazed all other kings : and ( which exceeded all ) a beholding next unto.God. Thefe wereenough to have drawn the mofl unwilling. But the people followed willingly ;We Will run ( lay they) after thee. çecondly here is taught, that the people drawn by theKings ex- ample , do flie with a fwift courfe : He commanded the meeting at Gibeon : they flocked thither in great troopes, i C'hro._r .13. Thirdly, the chamber, whereinto the Bride is brought was that moll: magnificent Temple built by Salomon. This houle is the inner chamber; nay rather the couch and Bed (as.it is afterward called ) wherein the Bridegroom converfethwith the Bride moll familiar- ly : whither Solemon brought the Church,when for her fake he built and adorned it fo beautifully,; and efpecially by drawing the people into the Temple, on the daywherein he dedicated the houle, going before them with facrifices, prayer and thankfgiving,as.i. Kings S. through the whole chapter. Fourthly and fiftly is declared, how,joyfull all the people were of thofe things,fohappily begun and continued for many yeers. Laftly he faith , the upright love thee. But why loth he mention the upright, as though there were any in thofe times whole hearts were not fincere and found ? verily he feemeth by thefe words to paffeover privily thole bleffed times to a forrowfull falling away. We know howgrievoully Soh;non fell in the lafl yeers of his reigne, by bringing in orange wives, r. King. i r. His heart was not found towards the Lord, but he followed Afhtaroth and Mticom, and built an high place for ChemoJh and Moloch. But didnot many of his flattering courtiers runbefore,whther they law the King ready to decline ? But the faithfull and upright in heart, remained firm in the truth , :how,foever dellituteof the Kings authority.. Here then we may behold the beginning and middle of his raigne very plea rant, The iíng leading, the people following, The Temple built mat