986 e,flate-,, ;,the Church CAP. 1. > In this verfe.is,arpecialldefeription of the twoTribes, as there is of the other, and in the two,. verfes.following. In this verfe in the firft words , he prevente.th the contempt which might be objected; and then fheweth the caltfes ofher calamitie. Looknot upon,me (faith (he) that is to fay, behold,tpe, not difdainfully ; which words do not only command but alto foretell in what cftimation the fhould be a- mong her ownpcople.The caufesare three;firft the principall:becaufe the Sun bath lookeduponme,that is heaven hath inflifted this calamity on me,as God bath threatned it before, i Kings 11.11.3o.& 3 t . And Rehoboam regarding not the hand that (mote himheareth of She- maiah , Thusfaith the Lord, this thing is fromme, t Kings I2. 24. The wrath of God is here very well defcribedby the heat of the the funne. Secondly,:theinftrumentallcaufe, My iW mathers children,( not only by kindred , but alto by Religion ) being grievoufly offended at me, have broken off their former conjunftion withme, and confülting privately by themfelves, are altogether feparated from mine ac- quaintance. See the Hiftory, r Kings 12. i6. &c. The third caufe givethoccafion to the former caufes; They made me the keeper ofthe vineyards , but mine o tn vineyard have I not kept , do you ask the caufe, why God and her brethren werefo offended ? Thus it was.. The chiefe authority deferred to the Tribe of Iuda, both by Gods decree, and the con`ent of their brethren, was ill ádminiftred,by her : The Lords vineyard was committed to her to be kept : For Le defpiifid the tent of 7ofeph,andchofe not the Tribe ofEphraim, but ch% the Tribe of luda, even mount Sian Whom he loved, Pfal. 78.67.68. vet through Solomon, Idolatry, and defiling. Gods worlhip (by the juft judgement of God) the other Tribes wereoffended atluda,and $y feparating themfelves made the Church deformed and polluted. Vert. 6. Tellme(O thou Whommy foule Ioveth) Where thoufeedefl, Where thou make thy flock to refl. at Noon: for Why lbould .I be as one that is vailedby thefl cks of thy companions ? Having fpokenof the Efate of Religion in the two Tribes, how.; and for what caufe they were atflic`fed; Now he fpeaks ofthe feár- tered reliques in the other ten. This verfecontaineth a qucftion of the belovec', and the ne;c.r, the.Lovers anfwer. This hath a petition- ; n the fide part, and an inquiry in the relk The P,e5,ition fhèwetli the great car; of the godly ; their minds. were inwa, ly.inf erred with his love, though hee were-out ofrheir.fight..Thej M..c4bin himf if (but whom fhoíild they ask elfe) where het is whom they reek...!