A p.ry. 'inRehOboarris time. 987 feeke. They knew he was alwayes in heaven ; but not without caufe. -they doubted where he fed and folded his flock onearth. They law their brethren faine away from Judah, yet they knew there was nei- -ther God,nor Pritilhood,norLaw in tfrael,z Chr.z5.3.. The quefli- on is, Why fhould I be as one that ú. covered among theflocks ofthy companions ? A womanveyled or covered, is taken for a Whore, as Çen.38. 14. Their manner was to cover themfelves: It is alto much ufed in mourning ; as the Leaper was commanded, Leev. t 3.45. and Mich.3.7. It fignifieth in this place, as ifhe fhould fay, Why (hould I be like a woman, pining myPelf with griefand forrow,in beholding the wiked Idolatry of the Ifraelires ? Why fhould I live among thefe Idolaters?Where I am inforced to hideand cover my felf,not daring to fpeak what I think ? It is tobe obferved, that the feducersof the people, are called his fellowes : not by a true name, but by reafon of their ambition, wherby they boamed to be equall to the high Shep- heard, and carryed themfelves as his fellowes. For the ten Tribes .hadforfaken the true God, and coyned a new Religon at their pleafure, as yet they had the fame right which the chiefShepheard had, to mike lawes for their flocks,howGod fhould be worfhipped of them. As the Tope now boafteth to be Chrifts fellow, making new Religions, with punifhment infliftcd on thofe which oblerve them not. Such was the pride of Ieroboam and the other Ifraelites, who would be fellowes withhim, to whom all are fervants. Verf. 7. If thou know not (0 thoufaire among Women) goe thy Way forth by the footjleps of thy flocke, and feed thy Kids befide the Shepheards Tents. This is the anfwer ofthe Bridegroom, comforting his beloved in her grief; who (whileft fhe, which was defiled with luch deformi- ty) was adjudged by him tobe the faireft of women, and to excell all othercongregations in the world. For although thefe reliques lurked here and there in the Kingdome of Ieroboam, yet made they but one Churchwith the two Tribes. Then he fhewes her the path where thee fhould go, and with his finger pointeth to the pallures where he reefedwhom (he fought. The flocke are the two Tribes, among whom the Church was more apparant ; the Kids are the fcattered reliques of the Ifraelites.When he appointeth them pafture befdes the Shepheards Tents, hee bids them goe into Ind a, and worfhip the Lord, after the inftitution of the truePriems. Verf. 8. 1have compared thee (0my Love) to my Mare, or to my Troape ofhorfcs in Pharaohs Chariots. C cccccc This