C A P. I. underAbijah and-Ara, 9-89 this verfe, but that which concerneth the affaires ofAfa, is after- wards Pet forth more at large. The IeWels like.?ürtles, betoken chaftity and carefulneffe : The two Cheeks are the mod confpicu- ous parts of the body; thefe were the Tribes ofbola and Benjamin, in whom the Churchat that time was chiefly known untomen. This chaftity and carefufneffe appeared fird in Abijah, who making warre with Jeroboam, endeavoured with gentle fpeech to call back the ten Tribesfrom their wickedpurpofe,warning themoftheir falling away fromGod. There areWith you (faith he) Golden Calves,Which Xerbboammadeyou for gods ; bat Wee have the Lord our god, When We havenotforraken; and the Prief#sWhichminifler unto-the Lord,are thefonnes of Aaron, and the Levites Wait upon their bufineffe, 2 Chro. t 3. $, x-o, &c. for although this integrity was not pure without any pollution, as appear.etti,r Kino.I.S. 3. yet was it Turtle-like chafing to that filthy whoredome of the Ifraelites : fo when Abijah and the twoTribes were befet both behind and before, they cried unto to the Lord, Behold the voyce ofTurtles, careful!, doubdeffe, in (o .great a (trait, but adorned with holinefhe as with Jewels ; the Lord heard them, andBroke leroboam, and all 7frael before Abijah and Iitdah,with a great (laughter, 2 Chron. t 3. 14, 15. So Afa befet with almoft infinite hofl:s ofZerah the Ethiopian,-called upon the Lord, in the voyce ofa Turtle, Paying, It is nothing for thee to help, either With many, or With them that have no power ; help ur, O Lord our God,for We reft on thee, and in thy name Wegoeavainfi thismultitude; O Lord, thouart our God,let not manprevaile again(/ thee. Whereby the enemies were put to flight, and the Church greatly inrichedwith their fpoiles, 2 Chron. 14. II. &c. Verf. to. Wee Will make,. the borders of gold With flask ofSilver. The Spirit proceedeth to (hew the condition of theChurch under eAfa, that hee might give her yet a more comely ornament, as it is declared by the taking eounfell of adorning the Spoufe ; .theeWill make thee (faithhe) borders of Gold; that is wont tobe better, which is brought to paffe bythe conjoyned (Indiesofmany, then that which is done by one alone. Furthermore, Gold is now alfoadded, no leffe ,excellent in the fingular workmaníhip, then in theprice; itPelf, for it Mould bechequered with Çlver Buds. :This did openly fora-flew that conftrained meeting of the Kingdome by Afa ; and that con- fultationmade by the common confent of the people, and of all or- ders in the fifteenth yeer of his reigne,of taking away all abominable gods out of theWhole Land of7,,e11, and Benjamin and a penalty Ceccccc z impofed