fiate of the Crurcfr. -ill pofed on him that-would not leek the Lord, z Chro. 'Now ,ti is order taken for adorning the fpoufe , notby the Kings- ai thcrity a.lone,but by the decree of all orders. And that Reforma tion which was begun, in- the beginning ofhis reigne,was now more, fully grown to a,ripeneflè. The fìlver fluds were that faithful( exe- curing of the decree, whereby -the Kings. grand-mother Maha.ka. was put from her regency for her horrible idolatry. 2. Chro.i 5. 16. Verf. i t-. whitfl theKing-Was.: at his reprafi,. my Spikenard gave t.e finell thereof -Ye have heard befòre,that the gifts of the fpirit, are fhadowedby oynrrìlens : and Spikenard 'rwhich is chiefamongoyntments) right- ly betokeneththe mcft-excellent gifts. Therfore while theKing face, the fpoufe as it were opening a Box, perfumed all the neighbour* hood, wìt'i breathing-out motif: holy graces. Burif any ask who-the Prophet faith fate-at this repaft ?'Behold, King 11j'ä-, compaffed with a large garland of Ieitesand Ifraelitesr in that affembly,where he made borders ofgold with Buds of fìlver, 2 Chr-15.9,.1 o.A. covenant was made: but what mirthof abanquet could be compared with this delight ? furthermore the joy in facri facing ( whichwas great at that time)had the holy pleafure of'ban- queting conjoyned to it by the Law.As concerning the finell of the :S'pikenard : how pleafant was it to make a covenant among fo many people, to worfhip the Lord,wich all their heart, andwith all,their" miarde. Many of Ephraim, Manafees andSimeon, úirred. up by the fweetnéflé of thisfinell,clave to Afa,. feeing the his God to be with'him,&c.As it is faid,z Chr.15.9.Therfore whatfoeveris fpoken of theChurch in the raignof fl i,is contained in thefe 3.lirtle verles, Verf. i +_.. My' Welbeloved is asa handle of Myrheonto me : He (hall lie httWeen nry. bre.tflr. Herein are threi;tfaings fiigni ed fweetneffe of knowledge by. Myrhe:A minifkrationofdoeìrineby bresft;:and thequiet and cone tinuali.ufe thereof-by Ding or re[ ing. All which concernethe times of lebo(haphat whro:béhdes that care of -preferving the chaffe and pure Religionwhich -he had received ofhis fáther,he was ail() excel - l"ent in- the fhtdy-of teaching,; fehding governours and Levites, with the book ofthe Law-to all the cities-of Itadá and'Benjamin,that they might teach the people-ti- the will of God,2 Chro.17.7,8, 9,He allo appointed Judges through all the fenced cities,and in Ierufalens , of the Levites aiid:Priefts,and elders of the families,for the judgements of, the Lord,.aidSor controverfies : which Iudges were_as bxeaft, yeelding