CAP. t. under Ala andJchofhaphat. 991 yeelding the pleafant knowledgeof Gods will. And alfo lehofhaphat diligently labouring that eachone (hould perform his duty holily and faithfully) [hewed a lively image of the Bridegroom , lying be- tween the brcafls of his love, z Chro. 19. 5,6. &c.. This refttng was only called a provocation , becaufethat Pince the Kingdomwas rent under Rehoboam,a grievous darknes covered the Chu rch,howfoever it feemedmore pleafant at one time then at another,yer this re(l was quiet,becaufe the fear of the Lord fell upon all the kingdoms of the lands that were roùnd about Iuda, that they lhould not fight againfl lehofhaphat. The Philitlians allobrought tribute, and the Arabians flocks, 2 Chro. 17.10.rt. the Moabite! made war againft them, but were loon overcome. After which they returned to their former refl 2 Chro, ao. 29. 3o, pleafant thenwas that ref6, which was mo- icViced by no troubles. Verf. 13. MyWelbeloved is ar a cluireof camphire unto me, in the vines of Enged:. In rhefe words is excellently declared what next fucceeded leho- fl'aphat : in the times of lehoram, Ahazi, ?oath, Amazia, Huzzia, Iotharn and Ahaz, whereof fome were apparently wicked , fome obfcurely godly; heftayeth not to remember them all feverally(leáit he thould thereby pollute the marriage Feaff, and caufe the guefts to loath the banquet ) but briefly binds them up altogether in a bundle. And where he addeth in the end, in the vines ofHenQadi he teacheth, that this company (hould fpring up in the middeft of the chide Princes, who for their pleafant and plentiful! fruir, may worthily be compared to moll fruitfull vines. Now the Princes be- fore them,were Ala and IehoJ?aphat ; after, Hczekiah andIofa1, be- tween whom this chiller of Camphire, with their berries, fprungup among the vines. Verf. 11.. Mydrve,bchold thou art artfair: Thine ryes are lilt the doves.. The doubling of the words, declared her excellent beauty, efpe -dally with the Hebrews, who life it familiarly for Superlatives. The- eyes ofDoves are chafe and thamefaced, which wander not hither mud thither to Peek new loves. Such is the chaflity of the Church, when as contented with one true God, (he turneth not her eyes to. idols, or any other invented worfhip. Thefe things thenundoubted- ly pertain to Hez'kiah,which reflored true and pureReligion to the C;hurch,cafling out all Tdolatry.Then truly the Church didwonder- fully thine., when by the tellimony of the fpirit it fell, the likehad n.ut A,