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CAP . 2. berg the Capti-oitie; 99.3 beautifully repaired the winters fpoiles. And the event very well an- f ered the prophefie, for the purity of Religionwas the firil careof lrf:as,when he was yet a childe:bnr after in the-eighteenth peer ofhis reignehe applied his miede to re-edifie the houfe of Cod, defirous to leave the Bed green, which he had found grievously rent and tome with ff.ormes and tempeff, 2 Chro. 34. &c. Vcrí 16. Thebatmc, of our houfe are of Cedar, our Rafters are of Firre. 'This more fully lets forth that whichwas begun before, d Glared by the greenbed,for firfi thegraffe is green which afterward arifeth into a talk,. and forthwith groweth rill in the end it come to its full ripenefle.The infancy off oft u was pleafant,but his riper age yeelded more plralant fruir, whereof there was hope,even fromhis cradle. Re Pent S'haph,cn,Maafiah, R 7oah to repaire the houre of the Lord his God.He gathered mono of the Tribes of Afana(fes and Ephraim, and all the mil ofIfraef,and ofall 7aciz and Benjamin, to repaire the common houle ofthe Bridegroom & the Bride Wherein they might mutually delight rhemfelves; He gate workmen and builders to-hew Bone and timber for beams,and for.couples of the houles which the Kings of Tula had dell:royed, 2 rho. 34. 3. Worthily was it now foretold that the beames fhould be of cedar, when the building was fet forward with filch cofl-, care and diligence, whereby the firs$ beauty of it might in fomefort appear, though'perhaps it could not fully be rel or'ed. And hitherto the condition of the Church was tollerable, oftentimes afflicted with many miferies, but now and t.i^ren refrefhed again, when religious princes ruled. The following times were more fubjett to calamities ;. Towhich defervedly a new chapter is given,bringing new forttiné with ir. CHAP. T.I. Am the rofe of the field, and the lillie ofthe ¡fit, valleyes. a Like a lillie among the thornes fo 13 my love among the daughters. 3 Like theapple tree among the trees-of the forreft, fo t my welbeloved among the fons!Omen under his fhadow had I delight, and fate downe and his fruit mar fweet unto my mouth. 4 He