Brightman - BS2823 B85 1644

994 TheHate ofthe Q'urc11 CAP. 2. h He brought me into the wine cellar,and love*its his banner over me. 5 Stay me with flagons, and comfort me withapples : for I am fick oflove. 6 His left hand isunder mine head, and his right hand Both embrace me. 7 I charge you, O daughters of Ierufalem, by the roes and byhindes ofthe field, that ye ilir not up , nor waken my love untill íhe pleafe. 8 It is the voice of my welbeloved : behold, he cometh leaping by the mountaines, and skipping by the hills. 9 My welbeloved is like a roe, or a younghart : loe, he flandech behinde our wall, looking forth of the win dowes,fhewing himfelf thorow thegrates. to My welbeloved fpake and Paid unto me Arife my love,my fair one,and come thy way. II For behold, winter is pail : the rain is changed, and is goneaway. I2 The flowers appear in the earth : the timeofthe Ping- ing ofbirds is cornc,and the voice of the turtle is heard in our land. 13 The fietreebath brought forth her young figs : and the vines with their fmall grapes have caffi a favour : arife my love, my fair one, and come away. 14 My dove that art in the holes of the rock,in the fecrec places ofthe ftaires, fhew me thy fight, let mee hear thy voice : for thy voice is fweet, and thy fight comely. x5 Takeus the foxes, the little foxes, which defroy the vines :for our vines have (mall grapes. 16 My welbeloved is mine, and I am his : bee feedeth among the lillies, xy VntiIl the day break, and the fbadowes flee away : retorne, mywelbeloved, and be like a roe,ora young hart upon the mountainesof Becher. The