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CAr-.z. before the Captivity. The Analyfis. TWere remainyet other Kings unto the-daft Zedekias , Whofetimes are defcribed,verf. t. 2. Andfuchfhould the Church be untill their carryingaway. in the Captivity itfelf,therefhouldbe fame comfort as Well tofumefew left in their- Countrey,verf. to the whole multitude inthe enemies countrey,partly, that the Bridegroomfhouldanarvelloufdy preferve the Church there, verf. 4. 5:, 6, '7. partly that at length bee fhould deliver thence, Whereofthere is anappearance moreremote, verf. 8. g. steerat hand,verf 7o,r, 12, 13. andat length the effelïinQ ofit verf. 14. Hitherto the Captivity , the frate of the reflored con_ ditionfiould be divers, WhichWehave divided into two times. One to the birth of Chrifi, the otherfrom thence to bú death, The time next after the returne,fhouldbefomeWhattroudlefome in the times next fal- lowing, verf. L5. Which after a tittle While Tould receive a tollera- 41e reff, verf. r 6.& 17. Then more alined in-the latter agc,lbeWed itt the beginning ofthe Chapterfollowing. 995 THE EXPOSITION. Verf. r. 1am the Refe oftheficld,and the Liflie ofthe vallies. IN this complaint the Church declareth hercalamity, as ifthee íhould fay ; I fmell molt fwectlyas the Rofe,and ammolt beauti- full as the Lillie:yet to the Croppingand tramplingon of every one, 1 lie no leffe open then the flowers in the valleyes, and thole which grow in pafture grounds. My wall is broken dowr, my hedge pluckt up by the root , and every one feedethon my beauty at pica- lure, as the Heards on the gra(fe in the fields. Yet I defpaire not in thereaffliftkns, being aflured, that tomy Beloved I ammolt fweet and pleafant. And fo is the Church wont to be,who is never fo much candown, but is now and then lifted up and refrefhed, by thinking on the excellencie which GodMath bettowed on her. Thofe times which followed the reftoring of the Temple by Ioftae,do reach us that this complaint was jult.Fhft,Iofiaq hin f,lfa molt pleafant flower ofpiety, Tweeter then any Role, was cropped by Pharaoh Neco,and Ilan at Mgidlo. Iehoahazhis fon when hehad raigned onely three monathc, was carried away -Captive by the fame Pharaoh, and the Ddddddd Cotut-