Brightman - BS2823 B85 1644

Z. during the Captivity. 999 which they might draw the wineofGods word , both to quench their thirll,and to fuccour their fainting ftrengths decayed. Verf. 6. His left hand is under mixe head , and his right handBoth imbrace mc. By this gefture of imbracing is plainly (hewed , that God mani- feftiy declared at that time how he loved his Church : for he did not only preferve her by mans aid, but alto defended her with his own fir-etched out arme from heaven , which we know was done, in the wonderful! deliverance, fireof the three children out of the fierie furnace, who loved Religion more then life,,Dan. 3.Then of Daniel himfelfe out of the Lions den, Dan. 6. For whiles Gods by filch wonderful! powerful! power preferved the trees from all danger, which he hadplanted for a fhadow to his Church,hemight worthily feeme to hold the Church in his hands,and toimbrace her with both bis armes. Verf; y. Icharge yov, O daughters. of ?erufalem, by the Roes and by the Hináés of the field, that yee Jtarre not up, nor Wak.e.n my love, .untill he: pleafe. The daughters of !erafaltm,,are the citizens of the Church. The Roes and the Hiedes,;are chofe nations which held, the ,Çhurch in c,apti"vity,.Tbe meaning of this verfe is , asif-fhe fhould'häVe laid ( fór.rhey are the words of the Church, as the learned Tremeliau 4nd 7unius obferve,) 1 require of you, ye daughters of lerufalem, that ye fwear to me by the Roes and Hindes of the field , that if by your fault, ye drive away my love, feom.:my.imbracing;. Thofe:Rocs and-Hindes:.fha1l revengeit on you with deferved punifhrrrent. Not that it is lawful! to fwcar by enemies, or by any otherthen God, but figuratively by the an oath, the teacheth itlhould be as certain that the ci,izens of the Church fhoald avoid all grievous of- fence,., with no le.fe diligent heed ( namely, for fear of the enemies among whöm. they lived) then. if a covenant had been undertaken of that matter, and"cónfirmcd by an oath, wherefore the hiftory of -this oath is the rJfi of the time of the captivities Verf. 8. It is the voice ofmy lbeloved: behold, he cornmeal leapingby the mountaines , andskippiaq. by the hills. Now after the feventy yeers_captivity, followeth the delivery ; whole n~cpartion a faroff is contained in this &.the verfe following, cb.nffl i gofa threefold circumftance : Of the voyce ofher beloved,. His fwift coming;and his pretence. The voyce of my beloved : Shee fálleth,into this fóeech abruptly, as if the ha.d.heard the voyce oilier beloved