Brooks - BT750 .B7 1669

A choice Bed of Spices. communion with God in forrow and tears. A. man may have communion' with God in a heart humbling, a heart mel- ting, and a heart abafing way, when he hack not communion with God in a heart reviving, a heart cheering, and a heart comforting way. Tis a very great mifiake among many weak tender fpirited Chriflians, to think that they have no communion with God in duties, except they meet with God embracing and killing, cheering and comforting up their Souls And 0 that all filch Chriflians would remember this once for all, viz,. That a Chriflian may have as real commu- nion with God in a heart humbling way, as he can have in a heart corrf ming way ; a Chriflian may have as choice com- munion with God when his eyes are full of .tears, as he can --have when his heart is full of joy ;. when a-godly man ,upon his dying bed was askt which were his molt joyful dayes (either thofe before his Converfion, or thofe fence his Con- verfion) upon which he cryed out, O. give me my mooning- dayes. again, Give me my mourning; dayes again, fcr they were my joyftelleft dayes. Many times a poor Chriflian has never more joy in his heart than when his eyes are full of tears. But, Secondly, Though many poor weak 'doubting trembling Chriflians dare not fa y that they do love the Lord Jefus .Chrift, yet they dare fay that they would love the Lord Jefus -Chrift with all their hearts, and with all their Souls, and they dare fay, that if it were in their power,they would even flied tears of blood becaufe they cannot love Chrift, both as they would and as they fhould. Bleffed Bradford would fit and weep at Dinner till the tears fell on his Trencher, be- caufe he could love God no more, So the poor -doubting, trembling Chriflian mourns and laments becaule he can love chriffno more. A man may love Gold, and yet not have it, but no man loveth God but he is fure to have God, faith Apirfline. A gcod man once cryed out, I had rather have one Chrifil than a thonfand worlds.. Thirdly, Though many poor weak doubting. trembling Chriflians dare not fay that they have Grace', yet they dare fay Hof. 12.4. lfa. 38. 3. Pfat. 17. jdan EOM-- I9. 2 . 'Tomas a famous laying of Auflins, he loves notChrift at all, that laves not Chrift above, all,