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Cardan faith;that every precious itone bath an gregious vertue hi at. The fame we may fay of my Caving Grace, lay that they prize the leaft dram of Grace above all the gold and flyer of the Indies ; were all the world a lump of gold, and in their hands to difpofe of it, they would give it for Grace, yea for a, little Grace. Now certainly no man can thus highly prize Grace but he that has Grace. No man fees the worth and luare of Grace ; n0 man fees a beauty and excellency in Grace, nor no man can value Grace above the gold of Ophir, but he whofe heart has been changed, and whofe eyes has been opened by the Spirit of Grace. 'Fourthly, Though many poor doubting trembling Chri.- flians dare not fay that their condition is good, that their condition is fafe and happy, yet they dare fay that they would not for ten thoufand Worlds change their conditions with the vain and debauched men of the World, who delight. in fin, who wallow in fin, who make a fport of-fin, and who live under the Reign and Dominion of fin ; they had rather with Latarta, be Al of fores and full of wants, and live and dye in rags; and after all be carried by Angels into Abrahams bofom, than with Dives, every day to fare lIni3tuonfly, and be cloathed glorioufly, and perith eternally. Though they are poor,and wicked men Rich, though they are debafed,and. wicked men exalted, though they are empty, and xvicked men full, though they lire low,and wicked men high, though they enjoy nothing,and wicked men enjoy e-very thing, yet they would not-for as many worlds as there be men in the world, change conditions 'with them, But, Fifthly, Though poor doubting fiaggering trembling Chriflians dare not fay that they don't fin, becaufe there is not a juft man upon the earth, that cloth goodiand finneth not, &def. 7. 20. Andkecaufe no man can fay I have made my heart dean,I am pure from my fin, Pray. zo. 9. And becaufe in many things we offend all, James 3. 2. And lecamfe if 21.e fay kc, have no fin we deceive our felves, and the truth is not in au, i John yet they dare fay that they would not willingly, wilfully, wickedly, refolutely, malicioufly and habitually fin againfi the Lord to gain the whole World, though they dare not fay they It