choice Bed of Spices. they don't-fin, yet they dare fay, if they might have their choice, they would never dishonour God more, nor Crucify the Lola' of glory more,nor grieve the Spirit of Grace more, nor wound Conicience more, nor cloud the face of God more, ncr darken their evidences for Heaven more, nor in- terrupt their communion with God more, &c. But, Sixthly, Though poor doubting fiaggering- trembling Christians dare not fay that God is their God, or that Chrift is their Redeemer, or that the Spirit is their Comforter, yet they dare fay, that if God and Chrif+ and the Spirit, and grace and glory, and holinefs and happinefs were offered to them on the one hand, acrd all the honours pleafures profits delights and carnal contents of the World were offered them on the other hand, they had ten thoufand times rather, they had infinitely rather choofeGod andChria & the Spirit, & grace & holinefs,& everlafting happinefs than the contra- ry. Look as Rachel cryed out Give me Waiter cr I dye 3 So thefe poor hearts are fiil crying out,O Lord give me thy felf,or I dye; Give me thy Chri f I-, or I dye ; Give me thy Spirit and Grace, or I dye ; Give me pardon of fn' or I dye; Lift tip the light of thy Countenance upon me, or 1 dye ; Bring me under the bond of the Covenant, cr I dye ; 0 Lord let all thefe things le done, or I am undone, and that for ever ; Lord let the men of this world take the World, and divide it among themfelves, let me but enjoy thy felf thy Chrift, thy love, and ljhall fay my Lot is fallen to me in a ,64,4- [ant place, and verily Lhave-a goodly heritage, Pfal. 16. e. But, Seventhly, Though poor doubting flaggering trembling Chriflians dare not fay that they have Grace in their own hearts, yet they dare fay that they dearly love, and highly honour, and greatly prize the Graces of the Spirit which they fee fparkling and fhining in the hearts and lives and lips of other Saints. And they dare fay that there are no men in all the world that are fo precious, fo lovely, fo wor-' thy and fo honourable in their eyes, or fo high in theit efteerns as thole who have the Image of God, of Chrift). holm Cant. 5°. Io. Dent. 26. 17. Pfal. 73.25'. 3. 67,8. 7. Aets II. 23. Pfal. i f. 4. Pfal. 16.3. Lam. 4. 2. I Theff. I. 2,3. Heb: a 1% 3 &