Brooks - BT750 .B7 1669

MII1110.11011.1.101111.1.1111111=1.1."-" 4 choice Bed of Spices. 65 to make a refignation of themfelves up to him as their King ; they are willing to refign up their hearts and lives to the Government of Jefus-Chrift ; though they cannot find com- fort, yet they will oppofe fin ; though they cannot compre- hend Chrift, yet they will not willingly offend Chrifl; though they cannot fee their own propriety in Chrifl, yet they defire n6thing more than that Chrift may claim a pro- priety in them though they cannot fee Chrift-as a friend, yet theycan look upon fin asap enemy; though they cannot clofe with the Promifes, yet they will clofe with the Pre- cepts; though they cannot clofe with the Priviledges of a Chriftian, yet they will dole with the Services of a Chrifti- an ; though they cannot share in the comforts of a Chriflian, yet they will fide with the duties of a Chnflian ; though they cannot clear up their interefl in Chrifl, yet they are willing to yield fubjeo-lion to Chrift; though they want flrength to throw themfelves into the arms of Chrift to fave them, yet they will call themfelves at the feet of Chrifl to ferve him ; though they want the light of comfort and confolation, yet they will walk in the light of commands and dire6lions, 1/4.5 0. 10. All men will grant that there ten things are firong proba- bil it es of Grace, but give me leave to fay that they are with- cur ail controverfy, moil fure, found, folid and infallible evidences of true Grace, and of an interefl in Chrifl and Salvation ; and therefore all thole poor doubting flacwerinc, a and trembling-Chrifiians thatfind all there, or,any of there ten things in their own Souls, they ought for ever to biers the Lord, and fpeak well of his Name upon thefe accounts. And therefore40 my Soul, be thou much in adoring and ad- miring of free and infinite Grace, that hath wrought all thefe things in thee and for thee. Lut now dear hearts that this eleventh particular-concer- ning probabilities of Grace may the better -flick upon you, and be the more ferioufly minded and weighed by you, I be leech you often to ponder upon thefe fix following things.