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di choice Bed of Spices. 7 for the very probabilities of Grace. Spira being in a deep defpair for renouncing of chafe Do6rines of the Gofpel, which he had once floutly profea Paid, That he would willing - ly jeer the moft exiiii(ite tortures of Heil fire fca. the fpace of ten thoufand years, Ion condition ke might be well affsired to be releaf- ed afteroard. He further added in that hellifh and horrible fit, that his dear wife and children "(for whofe fake princi- pally he turned away from the Gofpel, to embrace this pre- fent world) appeared now to him as Hangmen, Hags and torturers. A defpairing Soul is Adagar Ilaariff4/ib, a terror to himfelf, his heart a Hell of horrour, his Confcience an Acel- dan, a Field of black Blond : So that as aivaffiin defcribes Inch a one flying from the Field to the City, from the City to his houfe, from h is houfe to his Chamber, from his Cham- ber to his bed, &c. So that he can rest no where, but is as if infernal Devils in fearful fhapes were fill following of him, and {till terrifying and tormenting his diftreffed and perplexed Soul. Now doubtlefs fuch poor fouls would have given ten thoufand worlds (had they fo many in their hands to give) and that for the very probabilities of Grace; and-how many tempted, defected, clouded, wounded, and benighted Souls are there, who would think it a Heaven on this fide Heaven, if they could but fee probabilities of Grace in their Souls 0 therefore let not the probabilities of Grace be a email thing in your eyes, but bow the knee, and let the High PraifeS of God be found in your mouths, even for probabilities of Grace. But, Fourthly; Confider that Sa'an is a very deadly enemy tQ the kali probabilities of grace, and will do all he can'io cloud, darken, and obfcure probabilities of Grace, fince' divine-vengeance has cut him off from the leaf/ hopes, from the leaf} probability of ever obtaining the 'leaf+ dram of Grace or mercy. 0 how does he form and take on againft every probability of Grace and mercy that God vouchfafes to his people for their comfort and encouragement ! Satan is an old experienced enemy, alinoft of fix thoufand years aanding, and he very well knowes that probabilities of K 2 Grace He dyed defpe. rately, who dyed with this defpe- rate saying Mins intutk, Sloe& fortune: vdete, Farewell life and hope together, Defpair is Satans mailer-piece, it car, ies men head- long to Hell, as the Devils did the herd of >e wine in- to the deep. 4 Let not any think (faith Luther) the DeviLis now dead no nor yet glee?, for as he that keo- peth Mad, lb be that hateth,Ifrael never fluMbreth or fleepeth.