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76 In all Soul cafes, God expetis we fhould cenfult his word,and cleave to 'his word,with- out warping or turning slide ei- ther to the right hand or to the left, yam I %,48. That nook that than try you at laff,and that (hall cave you or damn you,ni the great. day, is the only.. book by which you muff make a Judgment of your preterit and fu- ture effates. Cle- mens of Alexan- dria, fpeakireg of the Word, faith, it is the touch- ftone of truth and falchood, B ox. of precious umilizent : Or, or of one that is unfound ? Tell me 0 thou difquieted Chri- flian if thcu card+, where are thole clear Scriptures that proves the want of thofe enlargements, ravifhmen's, joyeS, comforts, peace or affurance that fume Others have, to be chara6ters of Hypocrites or hypocrify, or of one that is un- found ? and yet upon the account of the above- mentioned things on the one nand,. and under a fenfible want of the i.hings WI cited on the other hand, 'how exceeding., apt and prone are many-poor weak doubting. trembling. Chrifiians,, confidently and peremptorily to conclude themfelves to be. Hypocrites, and to be unfound, and that .they have not a dram of Grace, nor no caving interefl in Chrifl at all. 0 Sirs ; remember this once for all, that as you mull never admit of any Arguinents, Pleas, or Reafonings- for the comfort peace and refrefliment of your fouls, but fuch as are attended with the evidence of clear Scripture ; but fuch as are backt with pregnant Scriptures : So you mull never admit of any Pleas, Arguments or Reafonings, to trouble, vex, perplex, and difquiet the peace. of your fouls, but fuch as are attended with clear Scripture evidence, but filch as are well backt with Canonical Scriprure. Now if this, choice Rule were but wifely obferved, and carefully, fre- quently, and confcientioufly praetli'ed by many weak doubt- ing trembling Chriflians, how would is let them at liberty from their fears, doubts, and md-givings of he i. r; how would it knock off all their chails,, and wipe all i'er;-7, from their eyes, and remove that faci!lefs that lyes like a loa:1 upon their hearts, and how foon lx-otild it bring :hem ini-o a con- idition of peace, comfort, quietnefs, and fectlemenc-. 0 Sirs ! every working and appearance of hypocrify, cloth not i a prelent!y rove the per i whoa it is to .-... an Hypocrite. fon it - ' ° l-s- , , , . 'A man may be hypocritical either t. Really. Or, 2. In OpiniOn and fancy, - 'many of the dear children of God are very apt and prone many times both to fulpe& and falily charge the-true efiate of their fouls. A.child in a dillemper may y.leilion the inheritance which is entailed on him, &4.. But renhernber this, if thy heart be upright, all comfort is thy portion, for as our difirufiful fears do not prejudice the re:ali,:y