Brooks - BT750 .B7 1669

A Box of precious Ointment: Or, of Grace at all, or as if they had wholly and only to deal with fre6: rich, iAnitef fovereigb,- God in a Covenant of works, Mow what a is thisstothe higailli.,:cidigilaidOrilioauurs Grace of God, which fo fparkles and Chines in the Covenant of Grace, and which tells us that our eternal efiates than ne- ver be judged by a Covenant of Works, and that the want of an abfolute per f..e-tion fnall never damn a believing Soul, and that the obedience that God requires at our hands, is not a Legal, but Evangelical ? 0 that all thofe dear Chrillians who are fo apt to be dejeoled and overwhelmed, upon the account of the prevalency of filch and fuch corruptions, and becaufe they fail in keeping Covenant with God, and in wal- king in a Covenant-relation with God, I fay, 0 that all tilde would frequently and ferioufly confider of thefe three things! x , Firft, That fo low, b as a Chriflian doth not renounce his Covenant with God,fo long as he doth not wilfully and wick- edly break the bond of the Covenant, the fubfiance of the Covenant is not yet broken,though fome Articles of the Co- venant may be violated, Pp/. 89. 3o. to 35. 2 S4110. 23. 5. (while Chria lyes at the bottom of the Covenant, it cannot be utterly broken) As among men there be fome trefpafres againa fome particular chutes in Covenants, which though cloth not break, the 1 they be violated, yet the whole Covenant is not forfeited ; tis fo here, every jar, every mifcartiage Marriage-Covenant ; no more cloth every fin, every mif- carriage break the Covenant between God and the Soul. Bat, Secondly, Serioufly confider that many weak Chriftians 2. are much nnifiaken about the terms and condition of the Covenant of Grace, they think that the condition of the Covenant is perfe6t and unfinning obedience, whereas tis Ica. cis. only fincere obedience. Mark, that man fincerely obeyes ICa. 7. it, 9,10. Jer.3r. 3344) and fincerely walks in Covenant with God, who fincerely, 35736137. who heartily, who ordinarily delves, labours, and endea- vours to obey the Law of God, the will of God, and to walk in Covenant with God. Mark, particular actions do not , . denominate any cave, iris the courfe of anions which cloth deno-