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A choice Bed of Spices. 89 infallible evidence of the truth of Grace in a mans Soul ; the firm faving work of the Spirit upon the foul, is the divi- ding between fin and the foul, tis a making an utter bread, betwixt fin and the foul, tis a diffolving of that old League that has been between the finner and his fin. The firft wort, of the Spirit, is to make a man look upon fin as an enemy and to deal with fin as an enemy, to hare it as an enemy, to loath it as an enemy, to fear it as an enemy, and to arm againa it as an enemy. When the holy fpirit takes poffefli. on of the Soul, from that day forward the foul looks upon fin with-as evil, and as envious an eye as Saul look'd on DA- vid when the evil fpirit was upon him. 0, faith Saul, that I ere but once-well rid of this David ; and 0 (faith the gra- cious Soul) that I were but once well rid of this proud heart, this hard heart, this unbelieving heart, this unclean heart, this froward heart, this ea, thly heart of mine, &c. Look as the daughters of Heth even made Rebeccah weary of her life, fo corruptions within makes the gracious foul even weary of his life. Many a day have Ifought death with tears (laid blef- fed Cowper) not out of impatience, difiruft, or pertarbatien, but bc- castle I on weary of /in, and fearful to fall into it. Look as when Chrift hath won the will, he hath won the man : So when fin hath loft the will, it bath loft the man. The will is the heart ; My Songive me thy heart, is, My Son give me thy will ; the will is the Fort-Royal of the Soul, tis that wrong hold that (lands out flouteft, and longeft againft all the Affaults of Heaven ; when the will is won all is won, the Cattle is won, the heart is won ; the man is won when the will is won. A mans judgment and reafon may fay, I ought to turn from fin, and his Confcience may fay, I mull turn from fin, or it will be bitternefs in the end, and yet, the work not done, nor the Soul won ; but when the heart fayes, the will fayes, I will turn from fin, then the work is done, and the man is won. Where reafon faith thefe lulls ought to be fubdued, and the Confcience faith there lufts muff be fubdued, and the Will faith there hafts 'than be firb- (Pfal. 67. 3. As for our tranfgreffions, thou fhaft purge them away) there is a faving work upon the Soul. Wnen N the Ira, 28. zc, IV. Va. 30. *2. Hof. i4. 8. Awn. 7. sz, 131 24. Gen. 2s. u. eftraining grace Both onlyliip-prefs and abate the acts of fin, it cloth ne- ver alter the dif- pofition and will of a man as to fin. Yon may chain up a Lyon, but you cannot change the na- ture of a Lyon.