A choice Bed of Spices. 97 and I (hail be clean ; vvafh me and I fhall be whiter than Snow : Lord, carnal reafon, and flefh and blood, would fain have fuch and fuch pleafurable fins, and fuch and fuch profi- table fins indulged and fpared, but Lord, the earnefi, the ar- dent defires of my foul are, that I may be rid of them, and that Mice to the heighth may be done upon them. Lord be but the death of my fins, and my foul (hall fay, My lot ' fallen in a pleafant place, and verily I have a goodly heritage. Lord cleanfe -me but from all filthinefs both of flefh and fpirit, and I (hall cry flefinna to thee, ;Match. 2a. 9. Lord let me pfaiats. but outlive my lulls, and follow therm to the Grave before 2 C _ or. 7. r. others follow me to my Grave, and I shall fay it is enough. And thus every gracious Soul is more willing to be rid of his fins, than he is to keep his fins. A Porter cannot be more willing to be rid of his burden, nor a lick man to be rid of his difeafe, nor a Beggar of his natty louzy rags, nor a Prifoner of his chains, than a gracious Soul is willing to be rid of his lulls, &c. Fourthly, That Soul that does not (nor, through Grace 40 killing, will not) allow himfelf, or indulge himfelf in a courfe of fin, or in the common pra &ife of any known fin, that Saul is certainly a gracious foul. The evil that I do, 1 Rom. 7. if. orilloo not. So PP. 119. I, 3. Bided are the undefiled in the way, that walkin the Law of the Lord, they alfo do no iniquity ; that is, they allow not themfelves in the praetice of any ini- quity. Bleffed fouls live not in the fervice of fin, they live not in an ordinary pralice of any iniquity. I John 3. 9. Who- foever is born of God, doth. not commit fin, for his feed remaineth in him, and he cannot fin, becaufe he is born of God. He that has the feed of God, the feed ofGrace and Regeneration in him, he cannot allow himfelf in* way of fin, he cannot give him- felf over to a voluntary ferving of fin, he cannot. make a Trade of fin. So Pnv. I 6. i7. The highway of the mpripht L. to depart from evil, (that is) it is the ordinary, ufual, conflant courfe of an upright man to depart from evil. An honeft Traveller may flep out of the Kinas: Highway into a houfe, a Wood, a Clofe, but his work, hisbbufinefs is to go on in the 0 Kings