A choice Bed of Spices. 99 vid did, Search me 0 Lord (fayes he) and know my heart, try me, and knom my thoughts, andfee if there be any milked may in me. 'Tis a moll fure fign, that fin hath nor gained a mans heart nor confent, but committed a rape upon his Soul; when he al- lows not himfelf in it but cryes out bitterly to God againit it, as 'Paul did, Rom. 7. If the ravilhed Virgin under the Law cryed out, the was guiltlefs, Deut. 22. 25, 26,27. Cer- tainly fuch as cry out of their fins, and that would not for all the world allow themfelves in a way of fin, fuch are fs before the Lord. That which a Chriftian does not al- low himfelf in, that he does not do in divine account,&c. But now the whole Trade, the whole life of formal and carnal Curiflians, is nothing elfe but one continued web of wickednefs ; there is no wicked unregenerate perfon in the world, but lives in the daily practice of fome known fin or other ; but allows himfelf in fome Trade or way of wicked- nefs or other, as you may evidently fee by comparing of thefe following Scriptures together , Pray. I. 2 O. to 33. ler. 5. 3. ter. 44. 165 17)18, 19. ter. 9.3, 4, 5, 6. Ter.7. g, 9, 10, Ix, 121 13, x4, I5,, t 6. TM. 50.16, 17. Ifa.66. 3. Matth. 7.2 3. R. 6. 12, 1 3,19. Rom. 8. 5. Luke 13,27. Ephef. 2. 2, 3. Phil. 4. 19. Titus 3.3. 2 Pet. 2. 14. Sin is a (inners abfolute work, it is his main work, and the firmer is befides h'infelf, betides his Calling (as it were) when he is befides his fin. Fifthly, He that confli&s mofl with heart-fins, and is moll aileced with fpiritual fins, and that laments and mourns moil over fecret fins, invifible fins, fins that lye moft hid and remote from the eyes of the World, he is certainly a graei- ous foul ; Grace in truth, and grace in power, will rife and confliot, and make head againfl the moil inward and fecret vanities of the Soul, as againfl fecret felf-love, and fecret hardnefs of heart, /fd. 63. 17 arid fecret unbelief, Mark 9. 24. and.fecret carnal confidence, and fecret hypocrifie, and fecret envy, and fecret malice, and fecret vain-glory, and fecret fretting and murmuring, and fecret luftings, and fe- cret runnings out of the Soul after the meat that perifheth, 0 2 aid Pial kit. 24. 5' Pfal. /9./1. Pfal. I 19. I/3. I hate vain thoughts. Pfaff. Zo. 6, 7. Ifa:64. 7.