Brooks - BT750 .B7 1669, A choice Bed of Spites. 103 nature of fin, becaufe of that vilenefs and filthinefs. that is in fin ; he certainly has a principle of Grace, a feed of God in him.. Hewho refrains from fin, and whole heart rifles more ao-aintl fin, becaofe of the purity of the Law which forbids fin, then becauce 'of the feveriv of the Law which condemns fin, is certainly under the power of renewing Grace, of laving Grace. Pfii/.11 i9. 14o. Thy vcord is very pure, therefore thy fervent loveth it : 'rig only pure Grace that can inable a man to love the Word for its purity. The A- polite to let forth the formidable evil that is in fin, expref fes it thus, K,In. 7.13: That fin might appear tote fin. He could find nothing more evil and odious to expr,:fs it by than it felf. Sin is fo great an evil, that it cannot have a worfe Epithet given it. Pak/ can call it no Norfe than by its own name, finful fin. Had the Apofile laid that fin might appear to be a (Hare, a Serpent, a Viper, a Toad, a Plaoue, a Devil, a Hell, &c. he had fa id much, but yet not enough to let forth the trap fcendent evil that is in fin, and therefore he calls it finful fin. All other evils are but outward, they only reach the name, the body, the. eflateythe life, but fin is an inward evilya fpiritual evil, an evil that reaches the precious and immortal Soul, and therefore is the greatefl evil, Death puts an end to all other troubleg viz, poverty; ficknefs, dif- grace, fcorn, contempt, croffes, loges, &c. but fin is fo great an evil, that death it fell cannot put an end to it, Eter- nity it felf gull never put a flop, a period to this evil of evils. All outward evils can never make a man the fubjec of Gods wrath and hatred. A man may be poor, and yet precious in the eyes of God, he may be greatly abhorred by. the World, and yet highly honoured by God ; he may be de- bafed by men, and yet exalted by God.. But now fin is fo great an evil, that it fubjects the finnets Soul to the wrath and hatred of God ; all other evils do but firike at a mans prefent well-being, but fin firilces at a mans eternal well- being;. all other evils can never hinder. a,mans communion with God, a man may have communion with God in pover- 1y, in ficknefs, in Prifonyin Banifhment ; but tin is fo great. an evil, that it interrupts communion with God, it cuts off CO - z Cor. 7. 1, I have read of the Ermin, that fhe will rather dye than be got into the dirt to defile her beautiful skin. And rather than Joleph will, defile his beautiful foul by defiling his Matters bed, he will to a dirty Dungeon. He had rather that the Irons fhould en- ter into his Soul', Plal, TO/ 18. than that fin fhould enter into his Confcience : He had rather that his chains fhould cat into his flefh,than that fin fhould pollute - his foul. Ifa. Amos 3. 6. ACis $. 39,