Brooks - BT750 .B7 1669

104 .41Boxofprecious Ointment : Orif. communion with God. All outward evils are Gods ,crea- tures, Is there any evil in the City that the Lord bath not done. Bit fin is the Devils creature;tis a brat of his own begetting, yea, 'Lis worfe than the Devil, 'tis that which has.turn'd glo- rious Angels into infernal Devils. All other evils do not fight againft thegreateft good, but fin is that grandevil that fights acbainit the greateflgood, it fights a.gainft the being of God, the effence of God, the glory of God, l'eccatum eft Dei-cidion, fin is a killing of God, 'cis a murthering of.God Sin is a univetfal evil, 'tis all evil, 'tis nothing but evil,there is not one drop, one fpark of good to be found in any fin ; but now in all outward evils, there is fome good, there is force good in poverty, in ficknefs, in war; in death, but there is not tlee lean good in fin, fin is the fole °Veal of Gods hatred, he hates nothing but fin, he is angry with no- thing but fin, he has forbid nothing but fin, he has revealed his wrath from heaven againfl nothing but fin, fo great an evil is fin. Sin is that grand evil that has Midwiv'd all other evils into the world. 'Twas fin that.drown'd the old world with water, 'twas fin that defiroyed Sodom with fire and Br.imfloneOwas fin that laid 7ermfairm on heaps, 'twas fin that has Midwiv'd Sword,:Famine, and Peflilence into the World, !twas fin that laid the Foundation of Hell, that laid the corner flone in that land of darknefs, foe before fin there was no. Hell, 'Twas fin that Crucified the Lord of glory. Now 0 how great mull that evil be that has ulhered in all there great evils into the World. Sin is enmity againft God, God bath no enemy in the World, but fin, and thole "whom fin bath made him ; Sin bath let all the World againa the Lord of glory ; 'tis fin that has turn'd men into incarnate Devils, and that has drawn them out to fight againft God,and Chrifl, and their own Souls, and the things ortheir everlaft- ing peace. Now when a man looks upon fin as the greatefi evil in the world, and his heart rifes and is enraged againft it, becaufe of the vile, filthy, odious and hainous nature of it; 'cis a dear evidence that fuch a man has the Divine nature ip him, take, that one inflance for all, Pp/. 19. 121 13. Keep back thy fervant fromprefumptisom fins. Bat why does David Judges 5.8. Pfal. rot. 34. Dear. 18, az. Rom. 8.7. pray