A choice Bed of Spices. Ninthly, Where a bare naked command of God is corn- 9. m4Jnly, ordinarily of that power, force and authority with the fool, as to curb fi'n; and reftrain the foul from fin, and to arm and fence the foul againll the encroachmetns and commands of fin, there is certainly a laving work, a power- ful work of God upon that soul. When a man can fay to Heaven and Hell, hand you by for the prefent, and to preci- ous Promifes, fland you by for the prefent, and to Divine threatnings, Rand you by for the prefent, here is a Coin- mand of God that forbids fach and Inch anions, and there--; fore I cannot, I dare not do this or that wickednefs, and fin ; againa the Lord, there is certainly a principle of Grace in that mans heart. That is a great word of David, Pfal. x 19. 161. My heart flandeth in axe of thy word. When a naked command from God does fo over-awe the heart, as that it dares not fin againa God, then doubtlefs the heart is fincere with God. A child does not Eland in more awe of the rod, nor a fervant of a beating, nor a Favourite of his Princes frowns, than a real Chriflian (when he is himfelf ) ftands in awe of the Word. So Pfal. r19.11. ThyWord have I hid within my 1;e4rt,that I might not fin againft thee.. When a man hides the Word in his heart as a Treafure, that he may not lope it, and as a Rule that he may not tranfgrefs it, then his heart is indeed right with God. When the taw of God in amans heart, arms him againft the lulls of his heart and life, then doubtlefs his heart is found with God: So Pf:q/. By the words of thy lips, .I have kept we from the paths of the defIroy-' ce ; or as fome read the words, According to the command and charge of thy words, I -have kept me from the finful wayes, manners, behaviours, &c. of the dearoyer, or the cruel man: Chrift commanded hid Apoffles to make, ,him Matth. IS. known to the World, and to Preach the everlailing _Qpipeh and to make known thofe Mylieries and Rides of ( race 1A94s21%, 4T4z. that were hid in former Ages. The jewifh Authority tens them and commands them not to fpeak at all, nor teac in the name of jell's, Zds 4. 17, 18. But the command lo Chritin Carries it with the Apottles againflsan 0eir :threat4 ninus'and conimandS verfe 19. 20: But Peter and John an b were