122 A Box of precious Ointment : Or, 6. I Thefr. 4. It. Jude is. Jer. p. d. r. Saw If.2/: Luke 19, '0. Luke a. 30-1 'Phil. 16 20. Levit. 19. 17. 16=147.34. Gen.311. 40. a. At 10. Chriflians venturing upon appearing evils, Will exceedingly harden and encourage wicked men to commit real evils. 'Tis very natural and cuaomary with wicked men to make ufe of the appearing infirmities of the Saints, as excufes and Apologies to bear them out in their greateft enormities and wickedneffes.. Why did not Each and fuch knowing eminent Chrithans do thus and thus ! and we have -gone but one flep beyoni them, and is that fo great and nainous a crime ? they have been playing and fporting them- felves about the pit, and we are but flipt or aept into the pit. They have been fitting and bibbing with fuch and fuch com- pany, and we have but taken two or three merry -cups more than ordinary in the fame company, and is that fo great a fin? &c, 0 Sirs As we (hould walk wifely towards thofe that are without, fo we thould walk compaffionately towards. thofe that are without. Of fome have compaffion, making a difference.Did notferemy with that his head were waters,and his eyes a Fountain of tears, that he might weep day and night for the lain of the daughter of his people ? Did not a_ Samuel mourn for &tad?. Did not Chria weep over ertiP. lem ? Did no: the companionate Sondritan bind up his i wounds, pouring in Qyl and Wine, who fell aglow" Thieves in his going fromjeriefidem to Jericho. Didnot aed weep over thofe that were enemies of the Crofs of Chria : Yea, 1 '1144 we thew pity and companion to an Ox or an Afs that is fallen into a Ditch. Nay, fhall David rather venture upon a Lyon than loft a Lamb r Shall Treob rather endure heat by day, and cold by night, than negle6 his Flock p Shall 114ofes fight with odds, rather than the Cattle null perith with thira. Nay, (hall Xenocrates a Heathen, fhew compaffion to a poor Sparrow, that being (cared and purfued by .a Hawk, flew into his bofome for fuccour, &c. And thall not we have that companion on poor finners precious and immortal Souls,as to abflain from the appearance of fin, which may more wayes than one prove fo exceeding. prejudicial to them, &c.,. Wicked men are wonderful prone to watch for the Saints haltings ; Chriftianseare lights upon a high are