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The Ep iffie Dedicatory. your ears, as the "haare did about the Philiftines when Sa,mpfon /hook it ; wrack but thefe, and Kingdoms, and Commonwealths /ball be quickly wracktthem (elves. when Metellus heard of the death of Scipio Africanus a man of a publick fpirit, he ran out into the market-place and cryed out, 0 Citizens, come forth and confult what is to be done, for the walls of your City are fallen down. Sat, Secondly, Becaufe publick fpirited Chrifiians are mat like to chrift, and to the choiceft and 011,fi excel- lent Saints. chrift left his Fathers bofom for a publick good, he affumed our nature for 4 publick good, he trod the wine-prefs of his Fathers w-ath for apablick good, he died for a publickgood, and he rofe fir a publickgood, he afcended to heaven for a publick good, and he conti- nues in heaven for a publick good s when he was in this world he went up and down doing good, he healed o- thers but was hurt himfelf, he fed and filled others but was hungry hinsfelf ; Chrift was all for a publick good. Look not everyman on his own things, but every man alfo on the things of others. Let this in you which was alfo in Chrift Jefus. though felf be a great Pickier, yet be that will write after Chrigs Copy, muff negleEt himfelf to ferte others.' 7 bat Chi iffian ads mofi like chrift, who prefers the publick intereji before his own private interefl. The Stars have their bright. nefs not for themfelves, but for the ufe of others ; and the Sun hash her fbining light, but not for her felf, but for others. In the natural body every member is diffo- live, the eye conveys the lighr,tbe head fpirits the liver, blood, &c. And why [herald it-not be fo in the politick body, al fo ? And as chrift, fo Moles was 4 man of a publick 2, John 17. Heb. z. fa. 63. 3. lkom.8.3o,3 t, 32,33. Heb. 7, z 5. John 14.1, a, 32 4. Ads 50. 38. Pht1.2.415 Chrift made himfeif poor to wake others rich,but men of narrow fouls make others poor to make themfclves rich; t Cor. 6. 8. Cor, S. 9.