ii 1--Bpx of preciousOintment : Or, ted) none more rich, none more covetous' than he, as if out of defigta he had perfwaded others to caft away their money, that he himfelf might come and gather it up again, & c. And thus you fee that there are very great reafons why every Chri- flian fliould avoid the very thew, fufpition, or appearance of evil, &c. But, a I. Eleventhly and hilly, He that fets himfelf refolutely, mot/1y, habitually, againft his bofome fins, his conflitution fins, his molt prevalent fins, &c, he has certainly a laving work, a powerful work of God upon his Soul. True Grace will make a man Hand floutly and fledfafily on Gods fide,and, work the heart to take part with him, againft the moft _dar- ling fins, though they be as right hands or as right eyes. True Grace will lay handsupon a mans moll beloved lulls, and cry out to Heaven Lord Crucify them, Crucify them, down with them, down with them even to the ground. Lord do juflice, do fignal plaice, do fpeedy juftice, do exemplary plaice upon this Head-lid, this Mailer-fin. Lord hew down root and branch, let the very (lumps of this Dagon be broken all in pieces. Lord curie this wild Fig-Tree, that never more Fruit may grow thereon. Certainly God and Chrift is fet up higheft in that mans heart, who bends moll of his thoughts, ftrength, andendeavours againft his conflituti- on-fins, againfi the fins of his Place, Calling, condition and complexion. 'Tis very obferva ble, that the Jews, after they had been in the Babilonifb Furnace for Idolatry, they ever hated and feared that fin as much as the burnt _child dreads the Fire ; yea, they would dye any death rather than admit an Idol. Wiphsht tells us how -floutly they oppofed Pilate and Perronifis, that would have fet up Cafars Statue in their Tem- ples, offering their throats to the swords of the Souldiers, rather than they would endure that Idol in Gods houfe. 0 when once the heart of a Chrifliati comes thus to be let againft all his Golden and Silver Idols, then we may fafely fay, Behold a true Ifraelite in whom there is no pile. He that finds his lulls, his bofome; his darling Mt; begin to-fall be- fore him, as Haman once begun to fall before Mordecai ; he may Eitb