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A Boxy., precious viritment Or, , 8.124z. Pfal.44.9*-uft. lately, under all the affliCtions, oppofitions,, temptations, ack.3 perfecution4 and difcourageraents that we meet with in the i wayes of the Lord, and n doing the work of the Lord. All the 144 -rages that the Prophetsdelivered, were 1141 °rounded upon a divine command, '2'hu/sfaith the .Lord and -this.ffeeled I their fpirits in the work of the Lord, this made them refo- :hate and-undaunted in the midi'. of all the afiliftions and op- pofitions that they met with And fo 'twas a word of corn.- nand that railed the fpirits, and encouraged the hearts of the Apoftles in the work of the Lord, in the face of 41 the.op- politions, thretnings and buffetings that they met with from the civil powers. You know bpelorn layes his bloody com- ma:Id upon his fervants, as their higheft encouragement to that bloody work of killing hisbrother...iwnon,i SAM.1 3.2 8, Noo A')falom had commanded ht5 fervants, (his Afiafines) fay7 ing, Mark ye nox when Amnons heart is merry with- nine, and ;Then I fay unto you, fmite Amnon, then kill him, fear not have not I commanded yin? be conragious, and be :valiant ; or .fons of ,valour, as the Hebrew runs. And fo a Chriftian mutt lay the command of God before him, as his higheft encouragement to do what God requires of .him, &c.... la. 293 3,T4. mat.:51 to To. Matky.s toto. Hof, 5, It, 12. Jer,44451c. joh.7. 0149. Fifthly and hilly, Our obedience muft be bottorned'and grounded upon the commands of God, to difference and di- il-inguifh our felves from all hypocrites, formalifts, fuper*, flitions and prophane perfons, whole obedience is fometimes bottomed upon the Traditions of men, and fometimes upon the commandments of men.' Twas the fin of the Ten Tribes, that they complyed with the -command of jeroboam and his Princes,to worthip the Calves at Dan and Bethel :, and for this the wrath of the Lord fell heavy upon them. F- ,s op- prefed and broken in judgment, becastfe he gifting!), walked after the commandment. And fometimes their- obedience .is bot- tomed upon the examples of men, fometimes their obedience is bottomed upon the examples of their forefathers and an- ceflors, fer.. 10. 3, The COOMS of the people are vain, &c. and, fometimes_upon the examples oFgreat men. This was that, which the Pharifees obi-e0ed againft believing on Chrift Have