The Epale Dedicatory. Ifoi ald careful of his peoples peace, proiperity and welfare, than he was of his own concernments. And fo 1 David was 4M411 of a publick fpirit, for after he had ferved his own generation he fell ape?. The fpirit of the Lord has put this upon record for Davids honour and our imitation. Davids foul did net live in a narrow Bowlmg-alley, he was not a man of fo poor, low and narrow a fpirit, as to make himfelf the center of hi., de figns and aaions. David was a man of a generous, noble fpirit, the publick good lay neareft his heart, and to ferve his generation he- was willing to fpend and be fpent. The publick fpirited man of all men' is moat like to G hrift, and to thole Worthies who were once glo- rious on earth, and are now triumphing in heaven. The ...A /Wile fpeaks of fome who are lovers of themfelves, 2 Tim. 3. a. and who are feekers of themfelves, Phil. 2. 2 r. and who are minders of themfelves, Phi/.3.t9. They mind earthly things. of all thefe we may fay as God fpeaks of Ifrael, lintel is an empty vine, he brings forth fruit unto himfelf 5 yea of all theft we may fay, that light is not more contrary to darknefs, heaven to hell, glory to dame, than theft are contrary to Chrifi, and to thofe precious fervants of his who are crown'd ant' chronicled in the blejed Scriptures for their publick fpi- ritednefs and publick ufefulnefs in the ;mid. But, Thirdly, Men' of publick fpirits are rare men, excel- lent men, of all men'they moil re femble God, who does good to all., there are none fo excellent and truly ho- lnourable as thefe. All the Inftances cited to,make good 'the *end partiCular evidences this, to which 1 may add that of Daniel, who MIS a man of a publick fpirit, and tof that excellent fpirit , as that he carried the Bell from 3 Mat. 5. 45. Pis ' bonus mg- gis arils prodeg quam libi,