Pet. I.1 5716, Mat, 5. ABox of precious Ointment Or, thofe that prefled toward the mark before. Look, as good runners, when they come near unto the mark fIretch out their heads, and hands, and whole bodies, to take hold of them thatren with them, or of the mark that is before them; fo he in his whole race fo laboured unto that which was be- fore, as if he were ftil aretching out his arms to take hold of it. If filch a man might have his choice, he would be the molt humble, the moil holy, the molt heavenly, the moil mortified, the molt patient, the molt contented, the molt thankful; the moll fru itfirl, the moil aaive, the moil zealous, and the moll felf-denving Chriftian in the world ; if he might have his choice:he would be holy as God is holy, and perfea as his heavenly father is perfect; he would do the will of God cn earth, as thofe Princes (-Sf glory, the Angels, do it now in heaven, viz. freely, readily, cheerfully,: de- lightfully, univerfally, reverentially, and -unweariedly, az.c, if he might have his choice, he would exercife every grace, and perform every duty, with all his might; he fees fo much excellency, and beauty in God and Chrift, that he can't be at reft till he be fivallowed up in the enjoyment of them ; he fees fo much excellency in grace, that nothing but perfeaion of grace will fatisfie him ; he makes perfe6lion not only his Lamed end, but he alfo labours after perfection with his at moft firength and endeavours. When God is made the one of a mans defires, the one of a mans affe6tions3 the one of a mans life and comfort, then will he be the one of a mans en deavours too. That obedience that fprings from faith (when 'tis not winter-time with a Chriflian)is a fruitful obedience, 'tis an abounding obedience, 'tis a progreffive obedience. Look, as the mercy and favour of God- to a believer, is not ftinted nor limited, fo the obedience of a believer to God is not aimed or limited; but now the obedience of hypocrites is alwayes 'tinted and limited ; this command they will obey, but not that ; this duty they will do, but notthat ; this work they will attend, but not that, &c. FourthlY, That obedience that fprings from faith, is,the obedience cfa fon, not.of a fave;, 'tis afree.yolantarrevan-