A choice Bed of Spices. 47 gelical obedience, and not a legal, fervil, and forced obe- dience, Pfal. 110.3. Thy people fhall be willing in the day of thy power, in the beauties of bonnets ; in the Hebrew, 'tis wil- lingnefs in the plural number, to View their exceeding great willingnefies, Pfal. 27. 8. when thou faidefi, feek ye my face, my ht,rt faid unto thee, thy face Lord will I leek. By face is meant T. God himfelf, Exod. 20. 3. Before my face ; that is, before me. s. His favour, yer. i8. 17. 1 will /hew them the back, and not theTace, in the day of their calamity.. Now, no fooner had God given forth a word of command, for the Pfalmift to feek hinifelf, and to feek his favour, but pre- fently his heart did eccho to that command ; Thy face L9rd will I leek. So Jer. 3. 22. Return ye back-fliding children, and I will heal your back-flidings ; behold, we come unto thee, for thou art the Lord our God. Every gracious foul hash the duplicate of God's Law in his heart, and is willingly caft into the mould of his Word, Rom 6.17. re have obeyed from the heart, the form of doLlrine that hash been delivered to you, or whereto you were delivered (as the words may be read) They did not only obey, but they obeyed from the heart, their hearts were in their obedience, Pfal. 40. 8. I delight to do thy will, 0 _my God! yea,thy. Law is within my heart, or in the midit of my I'.owels,' as the Hebrew runs ; thefe note the tendereft afle- aions. There is the counterpane of the Law written, yea, printed upon every gracious heart ; a godly man will live and dye with the Law'of God fiampt upon his 'heart. 0 teata Apoca/)pfis (faid that Martyr, catching up the Revelation that was call into the fame fire with him to be blunt) 0 Blefled Revelation ! how happy arR Ito be burned with thee in my hands? It was Cirift's meat and drink to dohs Father's wilt; and the fame mind is in all the Saints, as was in Ch: if jefus : They delight in the Law of God after the inward man. True obedience flows from principles of heartinefs and love within, and not from by and bafe refpe6is and ends,; that are carnal and worldly. It is obfervable, that jeht.'s obedience was as ample and a, large as God's command, 2 King. 10. 30. And the Lord raid unto Jehu, becaule. than haft done well in executing that which` 1;s right in mine eyes, and hail V 2 done Cot. T.12. Phi1.1 E. Jer.,31. 33. John 4. Phil .2..f. RIgn. T. 22.