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54 A: Box of precious Ointment : Or Secondly, When he is under fore and heavy affl'etions, iiff. 5, t 5 . In their lig-lion they will fee me early. 11,1.26,0. Lord in trouble have they vilitcd thee, they poured out a Prayer lyhen tby cWiening gas upon them. Pfal. 78. 34. when he lien,- them, then ;hey ftuejt tin7., it is a reproach to fame, Na Penny, No Pater-noile.r. And it is a fhame to others, No Plague, no ,Pater-naller 3 no punithment, no Prayer, > t c. Thirdly, When Religion is in faillion, when 'cis a credit to be a Profdfar, and when Profeflion is the High-way to profit and preferment ; in the warm Summer of profperity, when there is no hazard, no danger, no lofslo be a Chritlian, who then fo forward in Religious duties aithe Hypocrite ? but when the Sun of Perfecution is up, then he falls away, Matth. 13, 5, 6. Fourthly, When others pre fence, counfel, and examples, have an.influence upon them, 0 now they keep clofe duties I oajh did that which was right in the fight of the Lord all the dayes of fehoiada the Prieti ; but when Jehoindn was dead, oajh ferves Groves and Idols, and turns a deaf ear to thofe Prophets that teflified againfl him, and gives Zechariah the Son of yehoiada his Pafport out of the World, for inveighing againfi his evil manners, and the wicked courfes of his Prin- . ces and People. Whileft the good Judges lived, the Ifrae- lites kept clofe to the fervice of God, fudges 2. 7. And the people ferved the Lord all the dayes of Jothua, and all the dayes of ithe Elders that outlived Jotimah, n,ho had Peen all the great morlv judges 17.0. of the Lord that he did fo- Ifrael. But when the good Judges Chap.".21. were dead,the Ifraelites did what was right in their own eyes,' every mans lull was his Law. VVailell Mfes was preterit), there was no talking of a Golden Calf, but no fooner was. his back turn'd, but the Ifraelites make a Golden Calf, and worfhp it when they had done, Exod. &c. 2. So Pharaoh and AhAb, &c, 4 2 Chroyi. 24 7,, But now mark, that obedience that fprings from Faith, that is a conaant obedience, that is conflant in oppofition to fits and flans, and imports the courfe and bent of a Chrifti- ans