.....*.a.*.../.0*+.*Iv-- A choice. Bed of Spices. ans l ife, which is alwayes to walk with God, to cleave to God, to follow God, and to obey God._ Bat, Seventhly and That obedience that fprings from Faith, is dire &ed to right ends. Gofpel obedience has they Gofpel ends atttending-of it. Quell. what are ? Anfir. They are thefe nine. Pith, To tellify our thankfulnefs to the Lord for all his favours and benefits that we have received from him, ?fat, 1o3. t, 2) 3, 4. Tfal: 116. 12. &c. Secondly, To recover the Image of God again to the heighth of what we are able. The firll eAdam loft the Image of God by his difobedience. Now this Image of God we recover again in Chrifl our fecond Adam ; but fo, as that the more enlightned,the more holy, the more humble, the more heavenly, the more righteous, the more gracious, and the more obedient we are, the more we recover of this Image of I Epher. 4.14. God, which confills in knowledg, righteoufnefs, and true holinefs. Now faith the Believer, my intent is to recover, that precious Image of God which I loft in the firil Adam, land therefore do I labour to come up to the highell pitches of lobedience, becaufe the higher I rife in my obedience, the more I (hall recover of the loll Image of God ; I know that I loft this Image by partaking of the difobedience and pollu- tion of the fira Adam ; 'and I know that I have recovered- in part the fame Image, by partaking of the obedience and ho- linefs of the fecond Adam :, And I yet further know, that the more holy and obedient I am, the more I (hail be like to that God, that is holinefs it felf, and the more I fhall recover of that bleffed Image, which confifls in perfe& holinefs. Thirdly, not for the juflification of their perfons, for that is only by Chrifls compleat obedience, which is made theirs by Faith:I Cor. I. 30. Col. 2. to. lilt for the teflification of their juftifying Faith, according to .that.of the Apoftle, jam. 2: 172 F126. &C. 2. X 2 Fourthl 2.