Brooks - BT750 .B7 1669

In Auftius ac= count he was the gallanteft of all the old Items. The Epiille Dedicatory. from all the Prefidents and Princes of Darius his Court. Dan. 6.3., Then this Daniel was preferred a- bove the Prefidents and Princes, becaufe an excellent fpirit was in him, and the king thought to fet him over the whole Realm. l might give you many, other Inflances from the Patriarchs and Apoftles, but what 'need that, when blind nature (peaks fo had in the cafe. ,men of publick fpirits have been very excellent and honourable in the very eyes of all the Heathen. Take a few Inflames among the many hundreds that might be produced. M. Attilius Regulus was a man of that publick fpirit, that he valued neither State nor Life to ferve his Countrey and preferve his own honour ; he I got very much for his Countrey, but little for himfelf, feven s4eres of Land being all that ever he had he Wolk/ a man highly honoured anion the Romans. Titus Vefpafian was 4 man of a publick fpirit, he overned fo fweetly, moderately and prudently, that he was generally termed Delitix humani generis, the de- light of mankind; he was greatly honoured whilfl he lived, and when he died the people wept fo bitterly or Aim, as if they had been refolved to have wept OVA eyes. Curius Dentalus was a man of a publick fpirit, and very .villorious ; when his Countrey wa:friled, he was mid at dinner feeding hard on a flow parched-Peafe, when the Amblffadors were fent to tender him a great of gild, iVich be retitled, raying, He had IP:::her be his reale, v= bile they whom he ruled over hoc: the gold, tl-,an 1.e to have the gold and they the Pea e.; When fume io.worth perfons once acenfed him for keep- ins