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choice Bed of Spices., feverely, ftrangely, frowningly, and at a diflance, though his heart be Rill full of love to his child ; and though he. won't difinherit him, yet he wont be familiar with him. The application is eat e, &c. 557 . S.=_ventlily, To keep down the body, and to bring it into fabjeaion to the foul, i Cor. 9. 27. 63t /keep under My body, and brine it in.fofubjeElion. By fpirinal exercifes the Apoftle dA fubcru e his flefh to the obedience and difcipline of the fpi- rit ; in former times they had feveral exercifes, as wrealing, and running fur the prize. Now, fuch as were flow, purtie, unweildy, and lazy, were cafhiered ; they would not admit fuch to be of their fociety or company, who wreftled and run fOr the prize : Them that were admitted to thofe exer- cifes, kept their bodies at an under, and did not pamper their bodies with dainties and delicates? T9 thefe the Apofile al- ludes, of idlenefs there comes no goodnefs ; when the fpirit is not aEting in that which is -good, that the flefh may be kept under, the flefh will take an advantage to be very a6tive. in 1 thole things that are evil, that the fpirit may be kept under ; the flefh is like an unruly beat}, which through reft, idlenefs, and high feeding, grows wild and mafterlefs. Now, the only way to tame this beg}, is to work him hard ; fo the way of wayes to keep the body under, is to keep up the foul as much as may be, in the full exercife of holinefs and obedience ; fuch as have molt pampered their bodies,have been the great-; 132 tit eft enemies to their own fouls ; and how many are there this )!Ilt6517. day, that pamper their bodies, but flarve their fouls ? that -i'/'7'8'8". 4c-y.3 16,117,r 8 . adorn their bodies, but defiles their foul ? that trick and' trim up their bodies with gold, and flyer, and filks, %I.:hilt} their fouls are naked of all grace, holinefs and goodnefs ? like the Llodiceims of old. The body it fel f , if you fet too high a price upon it, will make a cheap foul ; a man may be as hap- py in Ruffet, as in Tale; and he is certainly an unhappy man, whofe outfide is his befl fide ; our bodies are but dirt handfomly tempered, and artificially formed ; we derive foourr p eewdei eeeedfrom t ih e du uptli tahned iknign toofcilta y and